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如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了2016年六年级英语下册1至8模块测试题,希望能对大家学习有所帮助。


一. 单项选择

( )1.It____Amy’s birthday yesterday.

A. is B. was C.are

( )2.He got many presents______ his friends.

A. with B. to C. from

( )3.Daming asked him_____ the book with him.

A. read B. reading C. to read

( )4.They give the presents_______ simon.

A. for B. from C. to

( )5.Daming thanked her _____ the birthday present.

A.for B. at C. to

( )6.What did you_____ in the shop ?

A. buy B.bought C.saw

( )7.In 2003.it ______ a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time.

A.take B.takes C.took

( )8.Did you buy ______ a pencil?

A.I B. he C.me

( )9.The earth ______ around the sun.

A.go B.goes C.went

( )10.Yang Liwei ______ about21 hours in space.

A.spend B.spends C.apent

( )11.In October 2003.he ______ into space.

A.fly B.flew C.take

( )12.In 1880,Helen Keller ______born in the US.

A.is B.be C.was

( )13.As a baby, Helen Keller became blind and she______see or hear.

A.can B.can’t C.couldn’t

( )14.It’s easy ________ mistakes with English.

A.make B. to make C.made

( )15.Why are you______ a raincoat?

A. wear B.buy C.wearing


( )1.A.third B. two C.first

( )2.A.playing B.fly C.swimming

( )3.A.careful B. cow C.rabbit

( )4.A.spent B.bring C.bought

( )5.A.cloud B.sunny C.cold


1.My new shorts and ______(shoe).

2.Why are you____(wear) a raincoat?

3.It’s easy____(make) mistakes with English words.

4.She couldn’t _____(hear) last year.

5.She _____(spend) twenty-one hours in space last year.

6.Tom is playing the suona, but the phone _____(ring).

7.It _____(rain) tomorrow.

8.Amy asked Lingling_____(bring) some books.

9.Let’s _____(read) English words.

10.I t was _____(Amy) birthday yesterday.


1.eat, what. to, do, you, want(?)


2.Hongzhou, it, be, won’t, sunny, in (.)


3.picnic, they, having, are, a (.)


4.too, want, into, go ,I ,someday, to, too , space(.)


5.farm, a, to, you, did,go(?)


6.baseball, they, to, play, a, planned, game (.)


7.heads, why, have, your, do you, cups, on (?)


8.spaceship, first, our, it’s(.)




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