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( )1. grow show snow now

( )2. moon foot book cook

( )3. dream meat read eat

( )4. care dare pear hear

( )5. artist hard card large


1. 下星期 ______________________ 2. get red packets _________________

3. 做汤圆 ______________________ 4. in the kitchen __________________

5. 放烟花_______________________ 6. talk about _____________________

7. 在除夕_______________________ 8. on the second day _______________

9. 吃晚饭 ______________________ 10. cook dumplings ________________


( )1. I’m going to watch a film________.

A. yesterday B. last weekend C. tomorrow

( ) 2. They ________ new clothes next Sunday.

A. buy B. are going to buy C. bought

( ) 3. Who are you going to ________?

A. make B. visit C. talk

( )4. Nancy often gets emails _________ her friends.

A. from B. to C. with

( )5. Let’s __________ tangyuan together.

A. to make B. making C. make

( )6. My family and I _______ going to buy some new clothes and food..

A. is B. am C. are

( )7. _________ nice picture!

A. How B. What C. What a

( )8. Did you have dinner _______your grandparents last week?

A .with B. on C. for

( )9. Look! I _______a red packet too.

A. have B. am C. has

( )10. My parents are talking _____their plans _____next year.

A. about; to B. to; for C. about; for


1. I want________( visit) my grandpa.

2. He will _______ (go) to Beijing next week.

3. You must not ________ (play) football on the road.

4. He always_______ (have) a lot of meat for lunch.

5. We ate a lot of _______ (dumpling) yesterday.

6. What is wrong with ________ (he).

7. Ben and Benny like________ (swim).

8. Bobby________ (go) into the room.

9. They start________ (have) lunch.

10. Miss Li ______ (buy) some things for the party tomorrow.


( )1. Shall we meet at three thirty? A. About two kilometres away.

( )2. How many stops arc there? B. Yes, they are.

( )3. Is she going to join us? C. No, you can’t.

( )4. What else would you like? D. Only two.

( )5. Are they going to see a film this evening? E. E. OK. See you soon.

( )6. Did Gary watch cartoons last week? F. It's about a quarter to eight.

( )7. Can I play volleyball now? G. Beautiful flowers.

( )8. What lime is it now? H. Yes, he did.

( )9. How far is the post office from here? I. No, she isn’t.

( )10. When will we meet? J. At five o’clock.


( )1. Is Yang Ling want to be a dancer? —No, she doesn’t. ____

( )2. My cousin wants to play on the World Cup some day. ______

( )3. —What do you want to be in the future?

—I want to travel around the world ______

( )4. My sister is good at write story. She wants to be a writer. ______

( )5. Alex wants to make lots of clothes to children. ______


I'm Wilson. My dream home isn't very large, but it is near the sea and has a beautiful balcony, I can play with my friends there.

We can look out at the beach and the sea. There are always a lot of people there. I want to have bunk (双层)beds in all the bedrooms. It means(意味着)many people can he with me,and it also means I can sleep in any one of them. I will ask my friends to spend the weekends with me and we can have great fun in the house, on the beach or in the sea. I don't need a kitchen because I don't like cooking. We can eat at restaurants. There are always many good ones near the sea. I like flowers and trees, so I want to have two beautiful gardens, one is in front of the house and the other is at the back. My pet dog can sleep and play in them. Of course, my house must have many places for showers. And each bedroom has a TV. I will put a computer in the living room. We all like playing computer games.

That's my dream home.

( )1. What’s Wilson’s dream home like?

A. It's very large and has a balcony.

B. It s very big but near the sea.

C. It's not very big with a balcony, but near the sea.

D. It’s near the garden.

( )2. Which of the following iks RIGHT about Wilson?

A. Wilson wants lo have bunk beds only in his bedroom.

B. Wilson likes to be alone(独自的).

C. Wilson can sleep on the beach.

D. Wilson would like to spend his weekends with his friends.

( )3. Wilson hopes to have a house__________ .

A. with no kitchens B. with two gardens

C. with places for showers D. all the above

( )4. Where can the pet dog sleep and play?

A. In the gardens. B. In the sea.

C. In the restaurants. D. In the kitchen.

( )5. What can you see in every bedroom?

A. TV. B. Flowers. C. Showers. D. A computer.



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