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听 力


( ) 1. A.shorter B.taller C.older D.thinner

( ) 2. A.have a fever B.have a cold C.sore throat D.have a flu

( ) 3. A.ton B.kilogram C.gram D.centimeter

( ) 4. A. killer whale B.sperm whale C.shark D.squid

( ) 5. A. kick B. happy C.hooray D. play


( )1. Tom watched TV last night.

( )2. I played football with Zhang Peng.

( )3.He visited his grandmother on Saturday morning.

( )4.A dog saw the kite.

( )5.My kite flew into the lake.

笔 试


( )1.r w A.a B.o C.u D.t

( )2.r l x A.a,e B.o,e C.e,a D.i,o

( )3.p k A.ar B.ae C.ie D.ea

( )4. ch A.ae B.ea C.ie D.io

( )5.h r A.ae B.oe C.ea D.io

( )6.h t A.ue B.ur C.eu D.io

( )7.r t rn A.a,u B.o,u C.e,u D.o,r

( )8. t A.ea B.oo C.ee D.io

( )9.t k A.a,o B.i,e C.e,a D.a,e

( )10.g l A.oa B.oe C.ie D.io


( )1. 1.My little brother is than me.

A. taller B. tall C. short

( ) 2.Line from shorter to taller.

A. to B. up C.in

( ) 3.The killer whale can .

A. swimming B .swims C. swam

( ) 4.He is going with his mother.

A. to go to school B. go to school C. goes to school

( )5. your arm ?

A.Does,hurts B. Does,hurt C. Are,hurts

( )6.John plays football and Chen Jie plays piano.

A. the,the B.the,/ C. /,the

( )7.Listen!The children .

A.sing B.are singing C.sings

( )8.Xiao Ming often his homework on Sunday.

B.do B.does C.did

( )9.He his grandfather last Monday.

A.visited . B.visiting C.visit

( )10.I went to school .

A.by foot . B.to foot C.on foot


1.绕口令 2.去郊游

3.buy presents 4.玩的开心

5.sore nose 6.因---而发笑

7.have a toothache 8.去滑雪

9.take it easy 10.照相


1.big(比较级) 2.one(序数词)

3.old(反义词) 4.buy(过去式)

5.sun(同音词) 6.love(同义词)

7.run(现在分词) 8.have(单三形式)

9.bus(复数形式) 10.my(复数形式)


( )1.What’s the matter? A. The yellow one.

( )2. Which monkey is bigger? B.I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 3. I have a flu. C. I’m 164cm tall.

( ) 4. How do you feel? D. I have a headache.

( )5. How tall are you? E. I feel sick.

八. 句型转换。(10分)

1.The little panda is 20 kg.(对划线部分提问)

is the little panda?

2.She ate good food last Sunday.(变为一般疑问句)

she good food last Sunday?

3.Mike is a beautiful boy. (改为否定句)

Mike a beautiful boy.

4.Did you go to bed last night?(做肯定回答)


5.She went to school by bike. (对划线部分提问)

She¬ to school?


1.did you where on go your holiday(?)

2.did do yesterday you what(?)

3.what you is matter the with(?)

4.you time have did good a(?)

5.he 1 year than is younger his brother(.)

十.阅读理解: (20分)

Jack stayed at home last weekend. He ate a lot of chocolates, icecream, chips,apples,bananas and chicken.after a moment he felt sick.He had a

stomachache.His mother asked him to take some medicine.After about three hours,Jack felt better.His mother said to him,”You shouldn’t eat too muchfood from now.That’s tot a good habit.


( )1.Jack was at home last weekend.

( )2.Jack ate a lot of chocolates,ice-creamand eggs.

( )3.Jack had a headache.

( )4.Jack’s mother asked Jack to take some medicine..

( )5.Jack has a bad habit.






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