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一. 听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。

( )1. A. pupil B. people C. paper D. purple

( )2. A. son B. sun C. some D. Sam

( )3. A. tree B. sweet C. street D. straight

( )4. A. right B. write C. white D. what

( )5. A. coat B. can’t C. count D. come

( )6. A. cake B. take C. make D. lake

( )7. A. thank B. think C. thin D. thing

( )8. A. price B. prince C. prize D. piece

( )9. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something

( )10. A. earache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache

二. 根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内:

( )1. A. That’s all right. B. Yes, I can. C. Thank you.

( )2. A. Yes, I have. B. OK. Here you are. C. Yes, I can.

( )3. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are.

( )4. A. It’s in Shanghai. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. No, I can’t.

( )5. A. No, I’m not B. All right. C. You’re welcome.

( )6. A. There are two. B. Yes, there are C. I have two.

( )7. A. From Shanghai B. In Class One. C. In the classroom.

( )8. A. It’s three yuan. B. They’re sixty yuan C. They’re made in China.

( )9. A. He is going to xian . B. He went to hanzhong.

C. He goes to shanghai.

( )10. A.I am ten.  B. I am 164cm . C.I am 45Kg.



( )1. Miss Li ______ a bag. I ______a sketch book.

A.have,has B.is ,have C.has,have

( )2. The pair of glasses ______ in my handbag.

A.is B.are C.amw

( )3.A: ______ are your English books ?

B: Eighteen yuan.

A.what B.How many C.How much

( ) 4 .Let's draw a ______ face.

A.cat B.cats C.cat's

( )5. Four girls and a boy ______ computer in our class.

A. have B.has C.are

( )6. _______ you ______ your homework last evening? Yes.

A.Did,do B.Do,do C.Do ,did

四. 选出不同类的单词。( 每小题1分,共10分 )

( ) 1, A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay

( ) 2, A . pear B. apple C. flower D. banana

( ) 3, A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg

( ) 4, A. one B. two C. first D. four

( ) 5, A. tell B. say C. cook D. father

( ) 6、A. basketball B. party C. soccer D. ping-pong

( )7、A. onion B. peas C. cabbage D. healthy

( )8、A. stronger B. matter C. shorter D. heavier

( ) 9、A. excited B. happy C. bored D. watch

( ) 10、A. foot B. head C. leg D. book

五.用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。( 每小题一分,共10 分 )

1. library 电影院 6. watch TV 牙疼

2. station 图书馆 7. wait for 头疼

3. cinema 博物馆 8. play chess 看电视

4. museum 公园 9. headache 等候

5. park 车站 10.toothache 下棋

六.给下列问句选择正确的答句。( 每小题2分,共30 分 )

( ) 1. What’s your favourite colour? A. By car.

( ) 2. What time is it? B. I like yellow best.

( ) 3. How do you go to school? C. It’s twelve o’clock.

( ) 4. What are you doing? D. It’s riany.

( ) 5. What day is it? E. I’m drawing a picture.

( ) 6. What day is it today? F. It’s on the 28th of June.

( ) 7 What would you like? G. It’s January.

( ) 8. When’s your father’s birthday? H. Sure.

( ) 9. What is the weather like today? I. It’s Tuesday.

( )10. Would you like some juice? J. Yes, please.

( ) 11. What is the first month of the year? K. Yes, I do.

( ) 12. Whose birthday is it? L. I’d like that one.

( ) 13. Do you usually have a birthday party? M. It’s the first of April.

( ) 14. Which month comes after September? N. Su Hai’s.

( ) 15.Would you like to come to my birthday? O. It’s October.


American children love watching TV.Some of them spend six hours a day

at school and four to six hours aday in front of the television set. Some of

them eveb watch for eight hours or more on Sundays.Televisions are liked books

or films.

A child can learn bad things and good things from TV. Some shows help

children learn to do a lot of housework,just like gardening,cooking and cleaning.

But some programs are not good for children.So parents must help them to choose

the right ones to enjoy.

( )1. Some American children spend about eight hours on TV in their holidays.

( )2. Children can't learn anything from TV.

( )3. Some programs help children learm how to make delicious food.

( )4. Children need parents' help to choose good programs.

( )5. All the TV shows are good for children

听力答案:一.D B D A D C B A D B

二.句子。1 . thank you very much !

2. Can I use your pencil ?

3. Is there a walkman ?

4.Where are you live ?

5.Are you teacher ?

6.How many books do you have ?

7.Where are you from ?

8. How much is it ?

9. Where did he go last weekend?

10.How tall are you ?






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