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英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了小学英语升学模拟试题,希望能对大家有所帮助。



1. — Who runs ____in your class? — Liu Wei. ( ) A. faster B.fastest C.fasttest D.the faster

2.She is _____her Chinese teacher.( ) A.talk in B.talks in C.talking with D.talk with

3.Don ‘ t say that in _____ of an elephant.( ) A.middle B.front C.one D.the middle

4.The reading room is on _______floor.( ) A.first B.the one C.the fifth D.second

5.Look at the five _________.( ) A.runer B.runner C.runs D.runners

6.I ‘d like _______him.( ) A.ask B.asks C.to ask D.asking

7.A:In which season can you swim in the river? B: ____( ) A.Summer B. Spring C. Autumn D. Winter

8. — What’s the weacher like today? — _______( )

A. It ’ s fine. B. I ’ m fine. C. It ’ s wind. D. It will be cloudy.

9. I ‘ll grow rice and wheat _____ the people.( ) A. of B. to C. for D. at

10. What ___she do when she grows up? ( ) A. does B. will C. do D. is

二.完成下列句子翻译。(10分) 1、明天天气怎样? _________ the weather like___________?

2、我一点也不喜欢游泳。 I don ’ t like swimming _____ ______.

3、他回去寻找第六头驴。He goes ______to look for the_____ donkey.

4我将教学生们读和写。 I’ ll ________students to ______ and write.

5如果我爬上一棵树,我将看的更远。____ I climb up a tree, I can see ____.


1.Would you like____________(come) to my home? 2.Lulu is __________(good) than Eve.

3.Listen! Jim ______________(sing) in the next room. 4.____________(not jump) on the bed,,Tom.

5.When is ________________(children) Day? 6. I t will be __________(sun) tomorrow.

7.Miss Liu is on _____________(three) floor. 8.The four _________(deer) are on the hill.

9.Can you speak _____________(England)? 10.Bob is the ___________(fat) of the four.

四、情景反应。(20分) A)根据情景选择正确的表达方式。(10分)

( )1.当你听说别人生病了,你应说:______.

A.I ’ m glad to hear that. B.I ‘ m sorry to hear that. C.That ‘ s great.

( )2.当你想知道计算机房在哪里时,你应问:_____

A.Where is the reading room? B.Where is the computer room? C.Who is in the computer room?

( )3.当你想知道别人的理想是什么,你应问:______

A.What will you do when you grow up? B.What do you do? C.What are you doing?

( )4.晚上睡觉前,你应对家人说:_______A.Good evening! B. Good night! C. Good morning!

( )5.当你想请求别人帮助时,你应说:____

A.Can I help you? B. Can you help me? C.What can I do for you?


( )1.How ’ s the weather today? ( )2.Are you washing clothes? ( )3.May I borrow your ruler? ( )4.What class is he in? ( )5.Who is the one in the middle? A.He is in Class 2,Grade 6.

B.Certainly,here you are. C .It ’ s snowy. D.He is John. E.No, I’ m drawing.

五、补充对话。 A)从方框中选出适当的句子完成对话,将序号填在空白处。(10分)

A:Hello,Mike!① B:Sorry,Gaoshan. I ’ m busy. A:What are you going to do? B:②

A:③ B:He lives in Beijing now.A:Is he from America? B:④

A:Can I make friends with him? B:⑤

A.Yes,he ’ s from New York. B.Sure,come with me .C.Can you play table tennis with me?

D.How are you? E.I ’ m going to meet my friend,Jim. F. w here does he live? G.Yes,he ’ s from London.


A:Can I ______ you, sir? B:Yes,please. I want to buy a dress ________ my daughter.

A:Is this one ok? B:Well,it ’ s nice,but it ’ s so long. A:What __________ this blue one? It ’ s shorter.

B:But my daughter likes red. _______ you got a red one? A:Yes, here it is. B:Ok, I’ ll _______ it.

六、阅读理解。(20分) A Nice Girl

Li Ying likes English very much. She studies hard. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No, she doesn’t. But she likes drawing and singing. Her parents like her. And all the teachers and friends

like her, too. 根据短文内容判断正误,正(T)误(F)(10分) ( ) 1. Li Ying likes English.

( ) 2. She watches TV every evening. ( ) 3. She reads Chinese every morning.

( ) 4. All the teachers like her. ( ) 5. Li Ying is good at dancing.

Mrs Green is going to give a birthday party for her daughter Mary.Mary is thirteen years old.Twenty friends of Mary ’ s are going to come to the party.They are all girls.Mrs Green is getting ready for the party.

Mrs White is helping her.Mrs Green is going shopping now.She ’ s going to buy some fruits for the party.she buys a lot of pears,oranges and bananas.Then she goes home.It ’ s three o ’ clock in the afternoon.Everything is ready.Now the first girl is arriving.The party is going to start in thirty minutes(分钟)。


( )1.____is going to give a birthday party for Mary. A.Mrs White B.Mrs Green C.Mary D.Mary ’ s friends

( )2.__ are going to come to the party. A.Thirty boys B.Twenty girlsC.Forty children D.Mrs Green and Mr White

( )3.Mrs Green buys_______for the party. A.apples B.oranges C.bananas D.both B and C

( )4.The party is going to begin at ____in the afternoon. A.two thirty B.three C.four D.three thirty

( )5.Mary is Mrs Green ’ s _______. A.daughter B.friend C.mother D.teacher






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