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2. Zhangpeng is 4 cm tall than Mike. ( )

3. How do you feel ? I feel sad. ( )

4.Did she her homework last night ? ( )

5.My apple is biger than yours. ( )

6. Lisa likes playing piano. ( )

7. My hobby is collect stamps. ( )

8. Do she teach English? ( )


Zhang Peng:Hi! _________

Mike: I’m going to Shanghai.

Zhang Peng:

Mike:I’m going to visit my grandparents.

Zhang Peng: What do your grandparents do?


Zhang Peng:

Mike: I’m going by plane.

Zhang Peng:

Mike: Thank you.


1.Amy is r _ now.

2. The bookstore is n____ ___ ___ the post office.

3. I eat lunch at __________ .

4. Mike likes w_ _ _.

5. There are four s________ in a year.

三. 连词成句。(15分)

1. sang, I , and , with, danced, new, friends, my.


2. 4 cm, You, are, than, taller, me.


3. you, Did, them, clean, help, their, room.


4. come, Where, the, does, rain, from


5. go, You, by, can, the, bus, No. 15.



Jill and Kate are going hiking (徒步旅行) with their calss tomorrow. They will take some fruit with them. Jill likes oranges and Kate likes apples. When they get to the market , they can’t find any oranges, and the apples are too green . “What are we going to buy now ?” asks Kate. “Hey ,what’s that big round fruit over there ?” asks Jill. “I don’t know. Let’s ask the sales-girl .” “What do you call this? ” “Youzi ,”answers the girl . “Why don’t we buy one ?”asks Jill “OK. We ’re going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit ! ”says Kate .


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