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( )1.A.lesson B.listen C.little

( )2. A.mouth B.mouse C.maths

( )3. A.glass B.class C.grass

( )4. A.8:15 B.7:45 C.7:15

( )5. A.plane B.play C.plate

( )6. A.fish B.finish C.wish

( )7. A.write to Tom B.write a letter C.write to Tim

( )8. A.swing B.swim C.swimming

( )9. A.row B.follow C.fishing

( )10. A.glue B.blue C.glow



( )1、A.At eight. B.At nine C.At half past eight

( )2、A.Thank you. B.OK.Here you are. C.Yes,I can.

( )3、A.Only one. B.There are three people in my family.

C.I have no brothers or sisters.

( )4、A.Yes,I do. B.No,I’m not. C.Yes,we are.

( )5、A.He listened to music. B.He likes listening to music.

C.He wants to give his friend an e-mail.


( )1. Q: What holiday is it?

A. Spring Festival. B. Halloween. C. Christmas.

( )2. Q: How old is Sam?

A.11 yours old. B.12 yours old. C.13 yours old.( )3. Q:Will they have snowball fights outside?

A.No,they don’t. B.Yes,they will. C.No,they won’t.

( )4. Q: Is Ben an American boy?

A.Yes,he is. B.Sorry,I don’t know. C.No,he isn’t.

( )5. Q:What’s Helen’s favourite subject?

A.Science. B.Art. C.Chinese.


________ is spoken as the first language in _________countries. It’s used in ________ ________.It’s used _______ travelers and business ________ all over the world . It’s ________ of the most important languages in the world. And ________ __________ more and more in the world.



( )1.A.school B.room C.cartoon D.cook

( )2. A.says B.play C.maybe D.today

( )3. A.many B.map C.stamp D.glad

( )4. A.work B.world C.word D.walk

( )5. A.orange B.English C.sing D.uncle


1. 最好的季节______ ______ ______

2. 看上去一样______ ______ ______

3.一本有趣的书_____ _____

4.参加________ ________ ________

5说日语__________ ___________

.6.on duty________________

7.in front of the theatre____________

8.make noise____________________

9.the girl with big eyes_____________

10.do better in English_____________


( )1.Are you ready _____ lunch? It’s time _____ have lunch.

A.for;for B.for;to C.to;for D.to;to

( )2. --How do you go to school every day?

--_______ by bike, but _____ on foot.

A. Usually; often B. Usually; sometimes

C. Sometimes; often D. Always; usually

( )3.________ are you going tomorrow? The library.

A. What B. where C. How D. /

( )4.Would you like ________water?

A.any B. some C. a lot D. a lots of

( )5..I usually go shopping _______ the morning of Sunday.

A. in B. on C. at D. after

( )6.What’s on the desk?______ a pencil-box and some books.

A. It’s B. They’re C. There’s D. There’re

( )7. A: oh, I’m ill.

B:I can______ some medicine for you.

A. take B. have C. eat D. get

( )8.How about ___________TV?

A. watching B. watch C. looking at D. look at

( )9.Look,this is _______cat,_____ name is Mimi?

A. mine, it’s B. my, its C. mine, its D. my, it’s

( )10.Which city is not in Jiangsu ?

A. Hangzhou B. Suzhou C. Yangzhou D. Changzhou


( )1.Where is the shopping centre? A.No,they aren’t.

( )2.What are you going to do tomorrow? B.Forty.

( )3.Are bears bigger than elephants? C.It’s cool and sunny.

( )4.Whose wallet is it? D.I still feel ill.

( )5.What’s the weather like in autumn? E.It’s near the school.

( )6.How do you feel now? F.Go on an outing.

( )7.Which season do you like best? G..Saturday.

( )8. What day is it today? H.It’s my grandfather’s.

( )9.Did you dance last Children’s Day? I.Yes,I did.

( )10.What’s ninety minus fifty? J.Summer.


Do your friend live near each other. ( )__________


Where did you last weekend ? I was at a camp. ( )______


Do you thirsty? Yes, I am. ( )__________


There are five peoples in my family? ( )__________


Would you like to go join her?. ( )__________



Ben: W_______ Mike? I can’t find him.

Tom: He w ________ in the r _______ room a m _________ a _______ .

Ben: But he is n _____ there now. T________ Day is coming soon. I want to buy a card for Miss Li with him.

Tom: Why don’t you m _________ a card?

Ben: I don’t know h______ to do it.

Tom: I can h ________ you.

Ben: That’s great! Thank you!

Tom: Not at all.


From: Tim

To: Sandy

Date: Friday, 12th December

Subject: My sister Rose

Message: My sister and I go to Old Street School. I walk to school, but my sister, Rose, doesn’t walk to school with me. She drives her bike to school. We like sports and Rose is good at it. She plays in all the school teams(队).

My parents don’t like to play sports because they are lazy(懒的).

Have you got a sister?

1.What day is it today?


2.Who is Tim writing to?


3.Does Tim’s sister walk to school with Tim?


4.What is Rose good at?


5.Why don't Tim’s parents like to play sports?



1.Kate 不知道如何回答这个问题。

Kate doesn’t know _______ _______ answer this question.


which_______do you like best in YiXing?Summer,beause I can go_______


What’s the ________ like in_______there?


Yeaterday evening,we read the news ________this football match _____ the newspaper.


We are________for the holidays,we are too________.


A. 阅读短文,选择正确的选项填入题前括号内。(5分)

Dick was seven years old, and his sister Mary was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt’s house to play and then she went to the town to buy something.

The children played for an hour , and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him, ‘Now here’s a knife, Dick. Cut this cake into two pieces and give one piece to your sister ,but remember to do it like a gentleman(有礼貌的人).’

‘Like a gentleman?’ Dick asked.’How do gentleman do it?’

‘They always give the bigger piece to the other.’ answered his aunt at once.

‘Oh.’ said Dick. He thought about this for a moment. Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her, ‘Cut this cake in half , Mary.’

( )1.Their mother took them to their aunt’s home______________

A..because they all went there for lunch.

B.and then she played with them.

C.and then she left(离开)。

D.and then their aunt went to the town.

( )2.Who looked after the children?

A.Their mother. B.Their aunt.

C.No one. D.Themselves.(他们自己)

( )3.How many cakes were there for the children?

A.Two. B.Only one.

C.Only half a cake. D.A cake and a half .

( )4.A gentleman always thinks about ________first.

A.others B.himself(她自己)

C.nobody D.his sister

( )5.Dick ______________________________.

A.gave a bigger piece to his sister B.did it like a gentleman

C.thought about his sister first. D.didn’t do it like a gentleman


There is a city in the world .It is the city of Venice. It is in Italy(意大利). People do not drive cars in that city .There are no streets in Venice. But there are canals(运河,水道) .The canals look like streets. There is much water in those canals. In Venice people ride about the city in boats .Your father and mother go to work in a bus. In Venice, fathers and mothers go to work in a boat. People call it “Water City” .

( )1. There are many cars in Venice.

( )2. Venice is in Italy.

( )3. There are some streets in Venice.

( )4. There is much water in canals.

( )5. Sometimes people in Venice go to work by bus.


My grandpa is a farmer.He is 1 years old.He lives 2 the countryside.He gets up early 3 morning.He likes to go to the park 4 the cage of the birds.He likes his birds.There 5 two birds in his cage.One is red,and the other is green.The birds are 6 good friends.The birds like 7 very much.They often 8 a chat each other.The birds get up 9 than my grandpa.So my grandpa is going to 10 the countryside for ever.

( )1.A.seven B.seventeen C.seventy

( )2.A.in B.on C.at

( )3.A.every B.very C.everyone

( )4.A.in B.of C.with

( )5.A.is B.are C.has

( )6.A.his B.her C.he

( )7.A.his B.he C.him

( )8.A.have B.has C.say

( )9.A.early B.earlier C.very early

( )10.A.lives in B.live in C.live on



Nancy listened carefully last English lesson.

The dog is running after the mouse.

The boy with glasses is looking for his wallet on the grass.

I usually have breakfast at a quarter to eight.

Shall we go to Beijing by plane?

They are going to finish their homework this evening and have a picnic together tomorrow.

I want to write a letter to Tim.

Nancy likes playing on the swing.

I usually go rowing and fishing on Sundays..

May I have some glue? I want to make a paper ship.


Jim often washes clothes on Sundays.

Jim likes washing TV in the evening.

Jim is playing the piano.

Jim did his homework last night.

Jim plays football well.


It’s half past eight now. We have the second lesson half an hour later.When does the second lesson begin?

Will you please give me an umbrella?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Are you good football players?

What’s your friend’s favourite hobby? 根据听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案。

It is a popular holiday in China. It’s in January or February. People eat a lot of delicious food. Q: What holiday is it?

2. A.How old are you,Mike?

B:I’m thirteen yours old.I have a twin brother.He’s name is Sam. Q: How old is Sam?

3.A:Shall we have snowball fights outside? B:Sorry,I am a little ill.

Q:Will they have snowball fights outside?

4. A:Hi,ben.Where are you from? B:I’m from the UK.

Q: Is Ben an American boy?

A:I like Chinese and Science.What about you,Helen?

B: I like Chinese and Science,too.But I like Art best.

Q:What’s Helen’s favourite subject?


English is (spoken) as the first language in (many) countries. It’s used in (different) (countries).It’s used (by) travelers and business (people) all over the world . It’s (one) of the most important languages in the world. And (it’s) (getting) more and more (popular) in the world.






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