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Thank you 1 your letter . You know my mum and have a 2 here . My sister , my brother and 3 often help them in the garden . We 4 pears and apples from the trees and put 5 in the garden . His name is John . We work together . We 6 a dog . It’s name is Patty . We walk with it after supper 7 .My sister , my brother and I 8 go to the same school . My brother and sister often help me 9 my homework . Our parents are kind to us . We 10 them very much .

Yours .


( )1. A. to B. for C. with D. at

( )2. A. garden B. party C. study D. park

( )3. A. me B. my C.I D. us

( )4. A. eat B. cook C. see D. pick

( )5. A. it B. them C. they D. theirs

( )6. A. play B. help C. have D. catch

( )7. A. every day B. every morning C. yesterday D. tomorrow

( )8. A. are B. both C. all D. to

( )9. A. for B. to C. at D. with

( )10. A. call B. love C. know D. learn


The National Day is an important festival in China . It’s on the first of October . On that day , we sing the national anthem(国歌)!People can have a seven-day holiday . We can go travelling with our family during the

holiday . We can also have a rest at home . We can do what we want to do !

( )1. The National Day is on the first of October .

( )2. On National Day we sing an English song .

( )3. We can have a six-day holiday .

( )4. We can visit Beijing on National Day .

( )5. National Day means “中秋节” in Chinese


愉快的暑假就要来到了,你想出去旅游吗?你想去哪些地方,哪些城市?请以“My summer holiday plans”为题,为自己制订一个旅游计划吧,用上“be going to” 或“will”。

My summer holiday plans





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