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Oh dear! I can’t 1 them all. Look 2 the eggs.And the apples are

3 down the stairs. Now, the cola is falling ,too.

4 a mess! Who can help 5 ?

1.A.carry B.carried C.carrying

2. A. on B.in C.at

3. A.fell Bfalling C.falls

4. A.How B.What C.When

5. A.my B.I C.me


A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确写“T”,错误写“F”。

I’m a Chinese boy. My name is Tongtong. I’m going to go to middle school this September. It’s No.4 Middle School. This school is near Longfeng Street. It’s a big school. There are about two thousand students at the school. I’ll go to my new school by bus. I’ll study Chinese , Maths , English, Geograph, History and Science at the school. Some of my friends will go to this school too. They’re Lili, Xiao Hua and Lanlan. We like our new school very much. We’ll study hard there.

( )1. The boy’s name is Dongdong.

( )2. He’s going to go to No.5 Middle School this September.

( )3. There are about two hundred middle school students at the school.

( )4. Some of Tongtong’s friends will go to No.4 Middle School too.

( )5. They won’t study hard at middle school.

B. 阅读下列短文,根据图示选出正确答案。

( )1. What is the food chain?

A. 生物圈 B. 食物链 C. 食谱

( )2.What do small fish eat?

A.Dead(死的)animals. B. Dead plants. C. A and B.

( )3.If(如果)we catch(抓)many smaller fish,bigger fish will(将) .

A. eat dead plants. B. eat bigger fish C. die

( )4.It is a that birds eat the fish and other animals eat the birds.

A. nature B. balance C. food

( )5.Do you know what will kill(杀死)the birds? .

A. Plants. B. Dogs. C. Men


阅读表格中的信息,试着写出你对法国盲人少年Louis Braille(路易斯•布莱叶)的了解。书写规范,语句通顺,内容完整,不少于5句话。

Name Louis Braille Became blind 1812

Born 1809 At school for blind children Learn to read and write

Country France,

a small country village Made the first letters in braille 1824


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