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最让我快乐的是什么?是学习,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的六年级下册英语期中考试卷外研版,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


( )1.A.yesterday B.today C.tomorrow

( )2.Aseeing B.see C.saw

( )3.A.watered B.water C.what

( )4.A.this weekend B.next weekend C.last weekend

( )5.A.had a cold B.had a fever C.had a headache


( )1.Yesterday was Wednesday.

( )2.,Mike read a book last Sunday.

( )3.We went to visit my grandparents last night.

( )4.I went skating last year.

( )5.Tom looks happy.


( )1.A.I went to the bookstore. B.I bought some books

C.I bought some shoes.

( )2.A.She sees elephants. B.She saw elephants.

C.She’s going to see elephants.

( )3.A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes,I am.

( )4.A.She doesn’t. B.She didn’t. C.No,I didn’t.

( )5.A.She’s angry. B.She’s taller. C.She’s going to thehospital.


( )1.Tom went to see animals last weekend.

( )2.Tom likes animals.

( )3.Tom’s mum went shopping.

( )4.Tom’s dad read some magazines.

( )5.Tom’s family had a good time last weekend.


五、写出下列动词的现在分词形式和过去式形式。( 10分)

1.get _________ ____________ 2.run ___________ _____________

3.watch_________ ___________ 4.do __________ ____________ 5.swim ___________ _________


( )1.A.taller B.stronger C.funny D.thinner

( )2.A.what B.do C.when D.how

( )3.A.yesterday B.tomorrow C.last night D.last weekend

( )4.A.happpy B.sad C.excited D.hurt

( )5.A.watched TV B.cleaned the room

C.do the dishes D.play football.


1、---My brother is shorter _________me.

A.then B.than C.and

2.---How _________are you?

---I am 13 years old.

A.tall B. old C. heavy

3.--I’m 46 kilograms and my sister is 43kilograms.I am _______than her .

A.thinner B.heavier C.taller

4.---Where did you go yesterday?

---I went to Beijing.

A.Tomorrow B.Today C. Yesterday

5.---I watched TV ______________my new friends.

A.with B.in C.and

6.---______did you do last weekend?

---I did my homework.

A.Where B.What C.When

7.-What _________ he ____________ this morning?

---He played the vilion.

A.did;did B.does ;do C.did ;do

8.—Did you read a book yesterday?


A.Yes,I do. B.No,I didn’t. C.Yes,I didn’t.

9.Lisa usually _____________her homework after class.

A.dose B.do C.did

10.What did Lily’s sister do yesterday?

---She ___________ to music.

A.listen B.listens Clistened


1、Jack is younger than me.(写出同义句)


2.He did his homework yesterday evening.(改为否定句)


3.Jim went to school on foot yesterday.(写出同义句)


4.Mike visits the museum every day .(用last weekend代替every day改写句子)


5.I did my homework yesterday .(改为一般疑问句。)


visit go have wash watch play fish read do listen

1. Last night they __________a good time.

2. He ________ping-pong at school yesterday afternoon.

3. ________ you ___________TV last night?

4. Luckily,it___________rain yesterday.

5. Did Mike __________to music last Saterday?

6. My mother often _____________the clothes for me.

7. She often _______________swimming on Sundays.

8. Why not go ____________with us ?

9. My father _________________a newspaper in the living room now.

10. Tom and his friend _______________ the farm last Sunday.


On the National Day ,we had a long holiday.We had seven days.I went to Hainan with my parents.My parents lived in a beautiful village in Hainan.We visited them.We went to see the blue sea every day .We swam in it.We went fishing .My grandma cooked fresh food for us every day.The seafood is decilous.I like it. We took many pictures.I was excited.

( )1.I went to Hainan with my ___________.

A.father and mother B.grandparents C.friends

2.There are _____________days on the National Day holiday.

A.a week B.seven C.six

3.I was __________on the National Day. .

A very happy Btired C.sad

4.I can __________ in Hainan.

A.went fishing B.swim and go fishing C.skate

5.We ate fresh food___________.

A.on the National Day B.on the Labour Day.

C. at the Spring Festival






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