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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供的六年级下册英语期中试卷人教版




Joy Peter Jack Mary Tom




( ) 1. Where is Anna going?

A. Her grandparents’ home.

B. Her mother’s office.

C. Her teacher’s house.

( ) 2. What is Mark doing now?

A. Waiting for his grandparents.

B. Waiting for his mother.

C. Writing a letter


( ) 3. What is Joy making?

A. A story book.

B. A class birthday book.

C. A family birthday book.

( ) 4. When is Joy’s birthday?

A. August 1st. B. April 1st. C. August 2nd.


( ) 5. Where is John from?

A. America. B. Canada. C. Australia.


(1) Caria Maria

(2) 11 12

(3) 513469 315469

(4) duck cat

(5) English Chinese

第二部分 语言知识(55分)


A. water the plants B. make the bed

C. feed the fish D. cut the grass

E. polish my shoes

( ) ( )

七、找出每组词中不同类的, 把序号写在括号中。(10分)

1. ( ) A. basketball B. football C. runners

2. ( ) A. open B. name C. walk

3. ( ) A. fish B. chicken C. banana

4. ( ) A. cake B. ice cream C. kite

5. ( ) A. flower B. brother C. sister

6. ( ) A. summer B. cloudy C. winter

7. ( ) A .nurse B. why C. worker

8. ( ) A. vegetable B. fruit C. yellow

9. ( ) A. coat B. school C. shirt

10. ( ) A. bird B. hot C. cold


1. You must ___________ more than ten years old.

A. be B. are

2. You must ___________ a good mountain bike.

A. had B. have

3. It isn’t going to hurt , _____________ it ?

A. is B. isn’

4. Mike’s friends _______ him to the hospital yesterday.

A. take B. took

5. He will come back early , ____________ he ?

A. will B. won’t

6. --I don’t think people should leave trash in the forest.

-- ________________.

A. Me too. B. Neither do I.

7. March 8th is the _________________.

A. Teachers’ Day B. Women’s Day

8. This milk isn’t very cold, __________________?

A. is it B. isn’t it

9. Is the kite broken? -I don’t think ___________.

A. so B. it

10. You saw that movie, __________________?

A. didn’t you B. don’t you


A 栏: ( ) 1. What price is it?

( ) 2. What’s wrong with you?

( ) 3. Where are you going?

( ) 4. How many do you want?

( ) 5. What’s your telephone number?

( ) 6. What day is it today?

( ) 7. What’s the weather like today?

( ) 8. What did you do yesterday evening?

( ) 9. When do you usually get up?

( ) 10. How often do you study English?

B栏: A. It’s 60691447.

B. Seven, please.

C. I’m going to the park.

D. My arm hurts.

E. It’s twenty yuan.

F. Twice a week.

G. I usually get up at six o’clock.

H. I watched TV.

I. It’s windy and cold.

J. It’s Saturday.

十、情景选择, 把序号写在括号中。(10分)

( ) 1. 当你想告诉医生你腿受伤了时,你会说:

A. My leg hurts .

B. My leg is broken .

( ) 2. 当医生让你吃一片药时,会说:

A. You take this candy .

B. You have to take this medicine .

( ) 3 .别人在电影院里吸烟时,你说:

A. No smoking in the cinema .

B. Don’t cry in the cinema .

( ) 4. 当你想告诉同学要按时上学时,你说:

A. You must get up early .

B. You should go to school on time.

( ) 5. 别人在教室里乱跑时,你说:

A. You must keep quiet in the classroom.

B. You mustn’t run in the classroom .


A. How do you do? B. How many ? C. What’s this?

D. What’s your name? E. Are you going to the movie this afternoon?

( )1.A: ___________?

B: My name’s Lily.

A: How old are you?

B: I ‘m twelve.

( )2. A: ___________?

B: It’s a jacket.

A: What color is it?

B: It’s blue.

( )3. A: __________?

B: Yes, we are. And you?

A: Me too.

( )4. A: This is Ann.

A: Ann,This is Nina..

B: How do you do?

C: _________________

( )5.A: What are these?

B: They are carrots.

A: _____________?

B: There are three.

第三部分 综合运用(15分)


Today is Sunday. It is September 30th, 2004. It is a boring day. It is hot. I don't go to school today. I watch TV all morning. The football match is boring. Then I call my friend, Nancy. She isn’t at home. I don’t know where she is. At twelve o'clock I am hungry. There is not any food in the fridge. I am tired. Then I eat lunch in a restaurant near my house. At one o’clock. I am in bed. In the afternoon I go to see a movie. The film is boring, too. At seven o’clock I eat supper at home. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and see my friends.

十三、阅读理解。 (5分)

It’s April 14th today. Tomorrow is Jane’s birthday. She is twelve years old. Jane has got many birthday presents from her family. Her mother gives her a big birthday cake. Her father gives her a red dress. Her brother, Jack, gives her a toy rabbit. Jane likes the presents very much. But her favorite present is the new bike. It’s from her grandparents. They have a big dinner at home. Then they go to the cinema. Tomorrow they will go to the Disney Park. Jane is very happy.


( )1. When is Jane’s birthday? It’s ______of April.

A. 13th B 14th C. 15th

( )2. Who gives Jane a bike? Her __________.

A. grandfather B. grandmother

C. grandfather and grandmother

( )3. What present does Jane like best? The _____.

A. new bike B. toy rabbit C. red dress

( )4. Where do they go after dinner? They ______.

A. are at home B. go to the cinema

C. go to the Disney Park

( )5.Where will they go tomorrow? They will______.

A. go to the cinema B. go to the Disney Park

C. have dinner at home


Jack 是你的好朋友,根据名卡中的信息,写几句介绍Jack的话语(至少五句)。


Country(国家): Britain

Age: 12

Favorite sport: swimming

Favorite class: art

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的六年级下册英语期中试卷人教版,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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