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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供的六年级英语下册期中试题


( )1、 A . hot dog B. hamburger C. chips D. cola

( )2、 A . noodles B. rice C. juice D. potatoes

( )3、 A . rainy B. snowy C. windy D. sunny

( )4、 A . eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. fourteen

( )5、 A . rain B. raining C. rainy D. rains

( )6、 A . shining B. singing C. eating D. having

( )7、 A . funny B. sunny C. rainy D. windy

( )8、 A . flying B. falling C. going D. making

( )9、 A . balloon B. oranges C. eggs D. stairs

( )10、A . carry B. catch C. car D. card


( )1、A. Sorry , I can’t. B. Daming could . C. Yes, she can .

( )2、A. Here you are . B. Thank you. C. Too late.

( )3、A. Yes, it is. B. Yes , it can. C. Yes, it does .

( )4、A. The apples are falling down the stairs.

B. I’m falling down.l C. He can’t carry them all.

( )5、A. There were lots of ducks. B. There are some chips . C. There is a lake.

( )6、A. They were hungry. B. They ate our sandwiches . C. We were wet and hungry.

( )7、A. The sun is shining. B. The birds are singing.

C. The children are dancing.

( )8、A. In the park. B. At half past twelve. C. My friends.

( )9、A. It’s rains. B. It’s raining now. C.It’s going to rain soon.

( )10、A. I want some meat. B. It’s thirteen dollars. C. Cola, please.


( )1. Daming wants a hamburger.

( )2. Simon’s dad wants a hamburger ,too.

( )3.Simon wants a hot dog.

( )4.The hot dog looks good .

( )5.A hot dog is not a real dog.

四、听一听,标序号。 12分

五、听录音,勾一勾。 12分


六、选择。 10分

( )1、_____ are you going to eat ? At half past 11.

A . When B. Where C. What

( )2、We’re going to walk _____ the lake and see the ducks.

A. on B. over C. around D. to

( )3、Let’s go _____ the tree. It’s too hot.

A. on B. in C. in front of D. under

( )4、What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?

It’s ______ sunny. A. going to B. going to be C. can

( )5、We are going to go swimming ____ 4 o’clock____ the afternoon.

A. for; on B. in ; in C. at ; in D. on; in

( )6、I want ____ hot dog. A. a B. an C. some D. many

( )7、What do you want ______? A. eat B. to eat C. eating D.eats

( )8、The hamburgers are 4_____ and 20______.

A. dollar; cents B. dollar; cent C. dollars; cents D. dollars; cent

( )9、______ is it ? It’s 85 cents.

A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How long

( )10、I ____ some meat, but my father only _____ a cola.

A. wants; wants B. want; want C. wants; want D. want; wants

七、连词成句,注意标点符号。 10 分

1. have/ we’re/ a/ going to/ picnic

2. a funny /had/ very/ day /I

3. a /big/ and/ there were/ there was/ lots of /lake/ ducks

4. at half past/ we’re /going to/ twelve /eat

5. are / the balloons/ all / flying away

八、根据汉语提示写单词。 11分

1. So, that’s two hamburgers , one _______ ________(热狗) and three _________.(可乐)

2. Thank you ! _________(享受) your meal !

3.We’re going to walk _________(在…周围) the lake and see the _________.(鸭子)

4.We ran __________(很快地) under a tree .

5. The sun is __________.(照耀大地)

6. _________(拿着) on to the balloons ,please

7.The apples are _________ (跌落) down the ___________.(楼梯)


1、Who can help me ?____________________________________

2.What did you do last Sunday?____________________________

3.What’s the weather going to be like in Qingdao?_____________________

4.What do you want ?__________________________________________

5.When are we going to eat ?____________________________________

十、读短文,判断对错,用“T”“F”表示。 5分

Lulu is a hen. She’s going to plant(种植) some corns( 玉米)。“Will you help me, Monkey?”“Sorry, I won’t. I’m watching TV.” “Will you help me, Duck?”“ Sorry, I won’t. I’m listening to music. ”“Who can come out to help?”“Sorry , we’re busy(忙碌).” Lulu plants the corns by hershelf . She waters them,and they grow up.“Will you share (分享)the corns with us ?” say the animals. “Sorry , I won’t . You didn’t help me .” says Lulu.

( )1.Lulu wants to plant some corns.

( )2.She needs help.

( )3.The animals help her .

( )4.She plants the corns with her friends.

( )5.She shares the corns with the animals.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的六年级英语下册期中试题,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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