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最让我快乐的是什么?是学习,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的六年级下册英语期中试卷,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


( )1 .ball_ _n(气球) A..an B.oo C.uo

( )2 . l_ _dly(大声地) A.ou B.uo C.au

( )3.c_y(哭) A.i B.a C.r

( )4.l_ _k (看上去) A.oo B.uc C.uo

( )5.m_ _s(肮脏) A.ee B.es C.se

二. 读单词,选出不同类的一项。(15分)

( )1. A. fish B.chicken C.tea D.hamburger

( )2. A.cola B.noodles C.orange juice D.milk

( )3. A.noodles B.hamburger C.rice D.ice cream

( )4. A.apple B.pear C.orange D.cake

( )5. A.cow B.rabbit C.duck D.bark

三. 英汉互译。(10分)

吹唢呐___________________ fl a kite_________________

Be careful_______________ 飞走_________________ half past twelve___________


( )1.I am doing my homework,but the bell_______.

A.ringing B.ring C.rings

( )2.I am sending some ______.

A.photos B.photose C.photo

( )3.We are looking at some ducks.They _____hungry.

A.looks B.looking C.look

( )4.She’s______the supermarket.She is buying things_____me.

A.at,at B.at,for C.for,for

( )5.Daming is______breakfast.

A.have B.haveing C.having

( )6-----Who____help me? -----Sorry,I can’t.

A.are B.can C.is

( )7.-----How_____is it? ------Two yuan.

A.few B.many C.much

( )8.His friends_______him.“Stop!”Simon says.

A.can’t hear B.can’t hearing C.can’t hears

( )9.Simon is_______,but the phone rings.

A.plays the piano B.playing piano C.playing the piano

( )10.Can ___help____?

A.you;I B.I;your C.you;me


1. What do you want to eat?(英译汉)


2. She’s watching TV,but the bell rings.(英译汉)


3. It will snow in Harbin.(英译汉)


4. are in birds tree the singing the.(连词成句)


5. do you to what drink want?(连词成句)



( )1.Who can help me? A. At six.

( )2.What are they doing? B.It’s thirteen dollars

( )3.When are we going to eat? C.She’s at the supmarket.

( )4.How much is it? D.They are singing and dancing.

( )5.Where’s your mum? E.I can help you.

七.根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F)

Tim and Jim are twin brothers.They have a nice room.There are two beds and two desks in it.Tim and Jim like milk and bread,but they don’t like tea or rice.You can see some bottles of milk and some bread on the desk.But you can’t see any tea or rice.They can play football well,but they think it’s hard to swim in the river.On Sunday they fly kites or play with yoyo.Tim and Jim are also good students.They study hard and they like their school very much.

( )1.Tim and Jim are sister.

( )2.There are two beds and two desks in their room.

( )3.They can play basketball very well.

( )4.Tim and Jim like milk and rice.

( )5.They fly kites or play yoyo on Sunday.







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