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A. Did, cleaned B. Did, clean C. Is, clean

( )17. My mother a big cake last week.

A. makes B.is making C. made

( )18. He help me yesterday.

A. doesn’t B. wasn’t C. didn’t


1. did lunch yesterday have for what you (?)

2. noodles breakfast parents some for my have often ( .)

3. little house is a in their there mouse ( .)

4. the glass is milk in there much not (.)

5. lot table there a cakes the are of on (?)


1. 我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和牛奶。

My grandpa some bread milk breakfast day.

2. 我们每周必须吃几个鸡蛋。

must have eggs .

3. 现在我需要许多水。

I a of now.


into for at with by out

1. My grandpa caught fish a big net.

2. Please open the door,I can’t get .

3. Who poured the water my shoes?

4. A teacher walked and they stopped.

5. Your sister is good dancing.

6. Mike is going to have a football match. I am going to cheer him.


1.My brother swam (quick).We were very (excited).

2. You laughed (loud).We could not hear that.

3.Are you good at (skate),Liu Tao? Yes, I am.

4.I can’t (make) clothes for my doll. Can you help me?

5. My sister (have) some good habits.

6. He can (play) table tennis (good).

7. I’m (sleep) now. Iwant to go to bed.

8.Liu Tao should (go【小学生期中考试】) to bed early.

9.Sam (wash) his shoes last week.

10. you (finish)your homework last night? No,I (do).


1. My uncle (路过) and gave me some chocolates.

2. I’ll come and visit them (某天).

3. “How can I do that?” the man (伤心的说着)。

4.It’s (太深了).I can’t reach it.

5. I’m going to have a match this afternoon. Can you come and (为……加油) me?


1. A monkey woke the tiger up.(改成一般疑问句)


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