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( )6. Leo has _______ good friends.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

( )7. Leo thinks ping-pong is _______.

A. boring B. easy C. fun D. difficult

( )8. Lily and Gina have _______.

A. two soccer balls

B. three ping-pong balls

C. four ping-pong bats

D. five tennis balls

( )9. Lily and Gina play tennis with their _______.

A. family B. friends C. teachers D. classmates

( )10. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?

A. Ben can’t play soccer.

B. Leo and Ben are classmates(同班同学).

C. Seven people are in Lily’s family.

D. Lily and Gina think ping-pong is difficult.



1.You must be more than 10 years old Always check the tires before you ride .

2.You have to wear a helmet ,knee and elbow pads ,and cycling shoes .

3.You must mail the entry form before Wednesday

4.Never ride with a flat tire ..

5.You must have a good mountain bike .

6.Watch out for puddles .


( ) 1.A .art B. angry C .ankle

( ) 2.A.crash B. competitor C. cycling

( ) 3. A.end B.entry C.elbow

( ) 4. A.fill B.flat C.form

( ) 5. A.bike B.brake C.bone

( ) 6. A.crash B.chin C.crutch

( ) 7. A.emergency B.eyesight C.elbow

( ) 8. A.fell B.form C.flat

( ) 9. A.either B.other C.neither

( ) 10.A.modern B.part C. woods

( ) 11.A.plant B.place C. present

( ) 12.A.track B.trashcan C.tincan


1.This is a photo of Bob’s sister .

2. I can go to the party .

3. We can spend all our money.

4. We can’t use the flash.

5.. We can eat our sandwiches on the bus .

6. I think in the year 2050 , we will find life on another planet .

7. . I don’t understand why people leave trash in the street .

8. .There isn’t many trees in this part of the woods .

9.. I don’t like snakes .Neither do I .

10. . In the year 2050 ,there will be more pollution .


六、听一听,选择正确的单词或短语写在横线上. 每题1分,共12分

Doctor: How do you feel, Bob ?

Bob: I feel dizzy .My leg doesn’t hurt .But my wrist hurts.

Doctor: The pain is in the right wrist ,isn’t it ?

Bob: No ,it’s in the other one .I don’t need an injection , do I ,doctor?

Doctor: Yes ,you do . But it doesn’t hurt .We need to take an X-ray of

your arms and legs ,your leg is OK but your wrist is broken .

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的六年级英语下册期中测试题,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!





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