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David: Liu Tao, where are you going?

Liu Tao: I’m going to the library. I want to find some books about music. After that Wang Bing and I are going to buy some presents with Ben.

David: Birthday presents?

Liu Tao: No, Ben’s going to see his parents in New York.

David: Really? What is Ben going to buy them?

Liu Tao: He’s going to buy them some big kites.

David: Where are you going to buy them?

Liu Tao: At the shopping centre near our school. Would you like to go with us?

David: Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to watch a match with my dad.


Children’s Day is coming soon. All of us are very excited. On Children’s Day, we are going to have a party. I am going to play the piano. Yang Ling is going to dance. Li Ming and Li Ping are going to tell an interesting story. Anne is going to bring some snacks. Miss Li is going to buy some fruit.


一、1-5B A C C A, 6-10C C B C B; 二、C C B A A; 三、1.T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

四、Children’s soon excited play piano dance tell interesting bring fruit



1.put on a few plays 2. bring some snacks and drinks 3.have an English party 4. sing and dance at the party

5.have some fun with friends 6.正在那时一个小丑出现了 7.放学后弹钢琴 8.愉快地讲一个故事

9.想出一个派对游戏 10.将要成为国王


1-5 A D D D B 6-10A A A B C 11-15C C C A B


1.have 2.to be 3.is going 4.was 5.is playing 6.putting 7.loudly 8.is going to teach 9.had 10.skiing


1.G 2.C 3.D 4.E 5. 6.B 7.A 8.I 9.J 10.H


1.Are, going to, Yes, are; 2.brought 3.didn’t give any; 4.What, take; 5.What time does, begin

6.is, tell 7.are, for, bring, toys.

六、完形填空 1-5 B D A D C 6-10 C B A B D

七、阅读理解 A)F F T T F B)B A B C C





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