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A. you B. your C. yours

( )9. Li Ming is 48 kilograms. Wang Lin is 50 kilograms.

Wang Lin is ________than Li Ming

A. heavier B. heavy C. thinner

( )10. –There ________no library in my school twenty years ago.

A, are B. were C. was


1. big (比较级) __________ 2. ride (过去式)________

3. do(第三人称单数形式)__________ 4. had(原形)___________

5. tall (反义词) __________


1. read, Did, yesterday, you, book, a ?

2. taller, you, is , Who, than,

3. all, you, Are, right, ?

4. afternoon, drank, in, We, tea, the

5. me, taller, It’s , than,


It’s sunny today. I am _________a picnic in the park with my friends. Look ! Chen Jie is flying a kite. Tom and Sarah are singing and ______under a big tree. Last weekend we _________to An Hui. We _______Center Square, climbed Huang Shan mountain and _________many pictures. Summer holiday is coming. I am going to _________a trip________ my parents. We are going to Shanghai. We are going there ________ plane _______July 12th. We will ______ a good time there.

十:选择合适的句子,补全对话. 填序号。(10分)

Sarah: Hello, Betty.____________

Betty: I am sleeping.

Sarah: ______________________

Betty: I saw a film. What about you?

Sarah: I read a book. _____________

Betty: I am going to take a trip.

Sarah: _______________________

Betty: I am going to Beijing.

Sarah: ______________.It’s a nice city. Have a good trip.

Betty: Thank you!

十一: 阅读欢乐岛。(20分)


I’m Wu Yifan. I like sports very much. On the weekend I usually play sports with my good friend, John. We often play football. Sometimes we go swimming.

Yesterday was Saturday. It was a sunny day. I didn’t play sports. I went to a park with my parents in the morning. In the afternoon I saw a film. John didn’t play sports, either. Because he was sick. He had a cold. He went to see the doctor and took some medicine(药). He felt better in the evening. But he has to stay in bed today.


( ) 1. Wu Yifan and John usually go swimming on the weekend.

( ) 2. It’s Monday today.


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