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电脑键盘是英语键盘,任何一个会议敢号称是国际会议,其会议工作语言一定要用英语。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了2016年六年级英语下册期中测试题,快来练习。




( )Always check the tires before you ride .

( )You have to wear a helmet ,knee and elbow pads ,and cycling shoes .

( )You must mail the entry form before Wednesday.

( )Never ride with a flat tire .

( )You must be more than 10 years old .

( )Watch out for puddles .

( )You must have a good mountain bike .


( ) 1.A .art B. angry C .ankle

( ) 2.A.crash B. competitor C. cycling

( ) 3. A.end B.entry C.elbow

( ) 4. A.fill B.flat C.form

( ) 5. A.bike B.brake C.bone

( ) 6. A.crash B.chin C.crutch

( ) 7. A.emergency B.eyesight C.elbow

( ) 8. A.fell B.form C.flat

( ) 9. A.either B.other C.neither

( ) 10.A.modern B.part C. woods

( ) 11.A.plant B.place C. present

( ) 12.A.track B.trashcan C.tincan


( )1.A.This is a photo of Bob’s sister .

B.This is a photo of Bob’s aunt .

( )2.A.I can’t go to the party .

B. I can go to the party .

( ) 3.A. We can buy gifts in the store .

B. We can spend all our money.

( ) 4. A. We can’t use the flash.

B. We can’t take pictures inside .

( )5.A. We can eat our sandwiches on the bus .

B. We are going to eat lunch in the park .

( )6. A. I think in the year 2050 , we will find life on another planet .

B. I think in the year 2050 ,computers will replace teachers .

( )7.A. I don’t understand why people leave trash in the forest .

B. I don’t understand why people leave trash in the street .

( )8.A .There isn’t many trees in this part of the woods .

B. There isn’t much light over there .

( )9.A. I don’t like snakes .Neither do I .

B.I like fast cars .So do I .

( )10. A. In the year 2050 ,there will be more pollution .

B.In the year 2050 ,we will talk to computers .

五、听一听,选择正确的单词或短语写在横线上. 每题1分,共12分

feel injection hurt pain isn’t it take an X-ray

dizzy doesn’t broken right other wrist

Doctor: How do you ______, Bob ?

Bob: I feel _____________ .My leg doesn’t ________ .But my _________ hurts.

Doctor: The _________ is in the __________ wrist ,____________?

Bob: No ,it’s in the ________ one .I don’t need an ____________ , do I ,doctor?

Doctor: Yes ,you do . But it ___________ hurt .We need to __________________________of

your arms and legs ,your leg is OK but your wrist is _____________ .


一. 把下列单词的汉语意思写在对应的横线上。每题1分,共10分

眼睛 脚踝 膝盖 手腕 手肘 耳朵 脚 下巴 鼻子 手

chin ________________ ear ________________

elbow_________________ knee______________【六年级英语期中试卷及答案

ankle___________________ foot _________________

wrist_________________ nose _________________

hand__________________ eye___________________


1.isn’t he ? 2don’t you ? 3.can’t she ? 4. isn’t it ? 5. is there ? 6. is it ? 7. didn’t you ? 8. can 9.doesn’t 10.is

1. He ____ speak Chinese .

2. She ______ like swimming ,does he ?

3. It _____ a sunny day ,isn’t it ?

4. You went to the park yesterday ,_________ ?

5. This milk isn’t very cold ,_________ ?

6. It’s hot ,________ ?

7. She can swim ,_______ ?

8. He’s a tall boy ,_______ ?

9. You want a bike for your birthday ,________ ?

10. There isn’t a problem , __________ ?


1. Lisa did a __________ job .She did it ________ .

A. well ; good B. good ; good C.good ;well

2. He is a ______ runner ,and he runs _______ .

A.fast ;fastly B.fast ;fast C.fastly ;fast

3. Daniel is a ______ learner ,and he learns ________ .

A.quick;quickly B.quick;quick C.quickly ;quick

4. It is a _______ bus ,and it moves _________

A. slow; slowly. B. slowly; slow C. slow ;slow

5. Mike is a __________ worker ,and he works _______ .

A.hardly ;hardly B .hard; hard C.hard; hardly



Lucy had an accident yesterday.She went to school by bike .She rode behind a bus . She cuoldn’t

see very well because it was raining .Suddenly ,a dog ran out into the road in front of the bus .The bus stooped .When Lucy saw the bus stopping , she put her brakes on .But the road was wet and slippery .Her bike skidded .She wasn’t able to stop in time .S o she crashed into the back of the bus and fell off her bike .Luckily ,she wasn’t badly hurt .However ,her bike was broken .She couldn’t ride her bike for a few days after that .

( )1. Lucy took bus to school yesterday .

( )2.Lucy rode her bike behind a bus .

( )3.It was raining so Lucy couldn’t see very well.

( )4.A cat ran out into the road in front of the bus .

( )5.Lucy couldn’t stop her bike because the road was wet and slippery.

B篇(读一读,选一选I’m Leo. I’m 13 and I’m in Class Six. I have three good friends. They are Lily, Gina, and Ben. Lily and Gina are in Class Seven. Ben is in Class Six, too. We’re all in Grade Seven. We like sports. My favorite sport is ping-pong. It is interesting. I have three ping-pong balls and four ping-pong bats. Lily and Gina are sisters. They don’t like ping-pong. They think it is boring. Their favorite sport is tennis. They have five tennis balls and they play tennis with their parents and two brothers. Ben’s favorite sport is soccer. He has two soccer balls and he plays soccer very well.

( )6. Leo has _______ good friends.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

( )7. Leo thinks ping-pong is _______.

A. boring B. easy C. fun D. difficult

( )8. Lily and Gina have _______.

A. two soccer balls

B. three ping-pong balls

C. four ping-pong bats

D. five tennis balls

( )9. Lily and Gina play tennis with their _______.

A. family B. friends C. teachers D. classmates

( )10. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?

A. Ben can’t play soccer.

B. Leo and Ben are classmates(同班同学).

C. Seven people are in Lily’s family.

D. Lily and Gina think ping-pong is difficult.【六年级期中试卷及答案



1.You must be more than 10 years old Always check the tires before you ride .

2.You have to wear a helmet ,knee and elbow pads ,and cycling shoes .

3.You must mail the entry form before Wednesday

4.Never ride with a flat tire ..

5.You must have a good mountain bike .

6.Watch out for puddles .


( ) 1.A .art B. angry C .ankle

( ) 2.A.crash B. competitor C. cycling

( ) 3. A.end B.entry C.elbow

( ) 4. A.fill B.flat C.form

( ) 5. A.bike B.brake C.bone

( ) 6. A.crash B.chin C.crutch

( ) 7. A.emergency B.eyesight C.elbow

( ) 8. A.fell B.form C.flat

( ) 9. A.either B.other C.neither

( ) 10.A.modern B.part C. woods

( ) 11.A.plant B.place C. present

( ) 12.A.track B.trashcan C.tincan


1.This is a photo of Bob’s sister .

2. I can go to the party .

3. We can spend all our money.

4. We can’t use the flash.

5.. We can eat our sandwiches on the bus .

6. I think in the year 2050 , we will find life on another planet .

7. . I don’t understand why people leave trash in the street .

8. .There isn’t many trees in this part of the woods .

9.. I don’t like snakes .Neither do I .

10. . In the year 2050 ,there will be more pollution .


六、听一听,选择正确的单词或短语写在横线上. 每题1分,共12分

Doctor: How do you feel, Bob ?

Bob: I feel dizzy .My leg doesn’t hurt .But my wrist hurts.

Doctor: The pain is in the right wrist ,isn’t it ?

Bob: No ,it’s in the other one .I don’t need an injection , do I ,doctor?

Doctor: Yes ,you do . But it doesn’t hurt .We need to take an X-ray of

your arms and legs ,your leg is OK but your wrist is broken .





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