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1.        2.         3.            4.            5.

s_ndals     swim s_ _t    sk_ps         b_ _ch        swim  p_ _l



1. salt( 形容词)_____2. swim( 过去式)______3. don't( 完全形式 )______    4. ran( 原形 ) ______ 5. lie( 现在分词 )_____

(2). 英汉互译。(5分)

1.jump  in ______  2.  look like _____  3. take off ______

4. hurry  up ______ 5. faster and faster _______


(   )1.Last summer,I ____to the ocean..

A.go          B.goes    C.went

(   ) 2.In  fall ,the trees lose ____leaves.

A.their          B.they          C.them

(   ) 3.Danny _____ to the swimming pool .

A.walk     B.walks      C.walked

(   ) 4.I like to ______shorts and sandals in summer.

A.put on       B. put in   C. take off

(   ) 5.your kite  ________a bird.

A.look like  B.look at   C.looks like

(   ) 6.你想表达你喜欢在海边玩耍时,应该说:

A.  I like play on the beach.

B.  I like playing in the beach.

C.  I like playing on the beach.

(   )7. 你想说你将乘飞机回家时,应该说:

A. I will fly home by a plane.

B. I will fly home in an airplane .

C. I want to fly home by plane.

(   ) 8.你想表达海水是咸的,应该说:

A. The ocean is salty!

B  beaches have sand !

C. The  ocean  is salt!

(   ) 9.What ___ you do for the summer holiday ?

A. visit  B. visits   C . will visit

(   ) 10. I like swimming ___ the ocean.

A. in       B  at   C.   for


(   )1. What do you wear to swim ?    A  She is swimming .

(   )2. What does this cloud look like ? B. I will lie on the beach .

(   ) 3.What is Jenny doing ?           C.I wear swimsuit.

(   ) 4.How's the weather in  winter ?  D. In winter,it's cold and snowy .

(   ) 5.What will I do?      E. This cloud looks like an airplane .

Ⅴ. 连词成句。(10分)

1. do , What ,  we, will ?


2. fly  ,I  ,Sometimes , kite, a .


3. will ,go ,the,park,to,we.


4.   fly,else,can,what ?


5.faster ,ran,he,faster,and .


Ⅶ. 阅读短文,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)

Janny invited Danny to go swimming .When Danny walks to the swimming pool .Jenny is already in the pool.Jenny swims towords Danny.She swims very fast!"Jump in !"she says."Ican't"says Danny ."The water too cold."

"No,it's not!"says Jenny ."It's warm!Jump in !"

"Ican't."says Danny.

"Why ?"saks Danny .

"Why?"asks Jenny."Because I'm scared !I can't swim!"says Danny.

(   )1.Jenny and Danny don't like swimming.

(   )2.Jenny is good at swimming.

(   )3.Danny jumps into the water at last.

(   )4. The water is too cold !

(   )5.Danny can't swim.






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