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1.  — Who runs ____in your class?  — Liu Wei. (      )

A. faster  B.fastest   C.fasttest   D.the faster

2.She is _____her Chinese teacher.(      )

A.talk in  B.talks in  C.talking with  D.talk with

3.Don ’ t say that in _____ of an elephant.(     )

A.middle  B.front   C.one     D.the middle

4.The reading room is on _______floor.(      )

A.first    B.the one  C.the fifth  D.second

5.Look at the five _________.(      )

A.runer   B.runner   C.runs    D.runners

6.I ’ d like _______him.(      )

A.ask    B.asks     C.to ask   D.asking

7.A:In which season can you swim in the river? B: ____(     )

A.Summer  B. Spring  C. Autumn  D. Winter

8. — What ’ s the weacher like today? — _______(      )

A. It ’ s fine.  B. I ’ m fine. C. It ’ s wind. D. It will be cloudy.

9. I ’ ll grow rice and wheat _____ the people.(     )

A. of       B. to      C. for      D. at

10. What ___she do when she grows up? (      )

A. does     B. will      C. do     D. is

11.Who is _____ , Tom or Mike ? (      )

A. young    B. the youngest   C. younger

12. Lucy is ______ than Lily . (      )

A. tall    B. taller     C. the tallest

13. An elephant is _____ bigger than a cat (      ).

A.much    B. more    C. many

14. In our class , Jack ______ highest . (      )

A.jump     B. jumps      C. jumped

15. _____ is the tallest student in your class , Eve ? (      )

A.Which      B. What      C. Who

16. It’s Sunday today , ____ I don’t have to get up early . (      )

A.so                B. if                   C. then

17. The elephant ____ a long nose and big ears . (      )

A. have           B. has               C. had

18. Russia (俄罗斯) is ____ country in the world . (      )

A.the smallest B. the largest    C. biggest

19. Which boy is Tom ? The one ____ the yellow T-shirt . (      )

A.on               B. in                    C. with

10.Lucy is the youngest ____ the four . (      )

A. after            B. on                  C. of

21. There are ___ people in my family . We live on the ___ floor. (      )

A. four ; five       B. five ; fourth       C. fourth ; fifth

22. There are ___ months in a year . (      )

A. twelve              B. twelfth                C. twentieth

23. ____ class is Jim in ? He’s in Class 2, Grade 6. (      )

A. When               B. Where                 C. What

24. There are only four cats . Where is the ____ one ? (      )

A. five                  B. fifth                     C. fourth

25. Who is ____ boy in your class ? (      )

A. tallest               B. taller                   C. the tallest

26. ——What’s the ______ like today ?——It’s hot . (      )

A. sweater     B. weather     C. water

27. He ______ summer . (      )

A. like      B. liked      C. likes

28. I don’t like winter , because it’s _____ cold . (      )

A. to      B. for      C. too

29. Dongdong doesn’t like winter ______ . (      )

A. at all       B. all     C. all that

30. It’s ______ and _______ in spring . (      )

A. cold ; windy     B. warm ; windy    C. cool ; windy

31. My classroom is ______ the third floor . (      )

A. in     B. at     C. on

32. El Nino ______ fire and rain . (      )

A. bring     B. brings       C. bringing

33. Lucy is talking ______ her sister . (      )

A. with    B. of     C. at

34. The heavy rain will bring ______ floods . (      )

A. with      B. to     C. about

35. ——Who jumps _______ in your class ?——Jack . (      )

A. higher     B. the highest     C. highest

36. She wants to sing songs _______ her parents . (      )

A. to      B. of      C. for

37. I ______ to ask you a question . (      )

A. would like    B. like     C. will like

38. She will be a _______ . She will teach students to sing songs . (      )

A. singer     B. driver      C. teacher

39. Who runs faster , Jim ______ Jack ? (      )

A. or     B. and      C. of

40. ——_______ is the sixth book ?——It’s on the desk . (      )

A. What    B. Where      C. When

41. Dongdong _______ like winter ______ . (      )

A. don’t , at all      B. doesn’t ; at all    C. doesn’t ; all at

42. The elephant _______ a long nose . (      )

A. has     B. have     C. had

43. It will _______ tomorrow . (      )

A. rainy      B. raining     C. rain

44. It’s ______ hot in _______ . (      )

A. too ; winter      B. too ; summer     C. too ; spring

45.___ will you do ___you grow up? (      )

A.When whatB.What whenC.Where what

46. I ___to ask you a question.  (      )

A.would like B. like C.will like

47.she will be a ___.She’ll teach students to sing songs . (      )

A.   singer  B.driver   C. teacher

48. Who runs faster ,Jim ___Jack? (      )

A.   or    B.  and  C. of

49. It will ____tomorrow. (      )

A. rainy   B.  raining   C.rain

50. Where ______ you go tomorrow ? (      )

A. are     B. will     C. shall

51. They will _______ roast ducks in Beijing . (      )

A. ate     B. eats     C. eat

52. After ______ Nanjing , I’ll go to Shanghai . (      )

A. visit        B. visits       C. visiting

53. He will go to New York ______ plane . (      )

A. by    B. on      C. in

54. Dongdong lives ______ Beijjing , China . (      )

A. on      B. in     C. at

55. Trees and plants can make the air   . (      )

A. hot     B. dirty    C. clean

56. ______ plants life will not go on . (      )

A. With    B. Without    C. Because

57. Plants can make food _____ air , water and sunlight . (      )

A. of      B. in   C. from

58. There are many students ______ the hills . (      )

A. on    B. in    C. at

59. They will do _____ best ______ protect the tigers . (      )

A. his ; to    B. their ; to     C. their ; in

60. It will be ______ tomorrow . (      )

A. suny and hot    B. sun and hot    C. sunny and hot

61. What class ______ you ______ ? (      )

A. do ; in      B. are ; in    C. are ; at

62. Who runs ______ , Jim or Jack ? (      )

A. fast     B. faster     C. fastest

63. The trees turn green . So ______ is coming . (      )

A. spring        B. summer    C. autumn

64. ——When is _______ ?  ——It’s October 1st . (      )

A. Tree Planting Day  B. Women’s Day    C. National Day

65. What ______ you do when you grow up ? (      )

A. do      B. will     C. did

66. The girl ______ the red dress is Lucy . (      )

A. in      B. on      C. of

67. ——See you ______ eight tomorrow .   ——See you . (      )

A. in     B. on     C. at

68. My brother is talking _____ his friend . (      )

A. on     B. with     C.in

69. ——Do you like summer ?  ——Yes , I love _______ . (      )

A. swim    B. swimming     C. swimming

70.My brother is talking ______ his friend . (      )

A. on     B. with     C. in

71. ——What ______ the date ______ ?——It’s June 1st . (      )

A. was ; today      B. is ; today     C. was ; tomorrow

72. We’ll have ______ English test this afternoon . (      )

A. a        B. an      C. /

73. He always laughs ______ others . (      )

A. in       B. on       C. at

74. On April Fools’ Day , we played a joke_____ Mike . (      )

A. in        B. on     C. at

75. ——What _____ you ______ tomorrow ?——I will go to the zoo . (      )

A. do ; do   B. do ; will     C. will ; do

76. ——What ______ the weather like _____ ?—It was cold and fine . (      )

A. is ; today      B. was ; yesterday      C. is ; tomorrow

77. ——What’s the matter _______ you , Mike ?——I hurt my leg . (      )

A. with      B. on      C. about


1.Would you like____________(come) to my home?

2.Lulu is __________(good) than Eve.

3.Listen! Jim ______________(sing) in the next room.

4._____________(not jump) on the bed,Tom.

5.When is ________________(children) Day?

6.I t will be __________(sun) tomorrow.

7.Miss Liu is on the____________(three) floor.

8.The four _________(deer) are on the hill.

9.Can you speak _____________(England)?

10.Bob is the ___________(fat) of the four.

11. It is ___________(sun) today .

12. ——What’s the weather like tomorrow ?——It ________(cold).

13. It always _________(rain) in summer in China .

14. In summer , the weather in Guangzhou is _______(hot) than the weather in Dalian .

15. He is _________(walk) along a road with his daughter .

16.Mr Black lives on the________ floor.(six)

17.Autumn is the ________ season of the year.(three)

18.The ________ boy is very strong.(twelve)

19.My class is on the ______(two) floor .

20.In our class , I’m the ______(one) one .

21.My sister is two years ________(young) than me .

22. Is your brother _______(tall) than you ? Yes , he is .

23. Who gets up ________(early), Mary or Lucy ?

24. He is the ________(fat) of the three .

25. Tim runs ________(fast). But Tom runs ________(fast) than him .

26. My sister is two years _______ (old ) than I.

27. John’s parents have four daughters(女儿), and she is the _____ (young) child.

28. The ___________ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones.

29. The short one is the _________ expensive of the five.

30. Dick sings ________ (well), she sings _______(well) than John, but Mary sings_______(well) in her class.

31. She will be much _______ (happy) in her new house.

32. Tom _________(play) basketball yesterday .

33. ——What ________(do) you do yesterday ? ——We _______(have) a Chinese test .

34. It is June ________(two) today.

35. There are ________(twelve) months in a year . December is the ________(twelve) month of the year .


1. Where is your classroom ?        A. It will be rainy .

2. What’s the weather like tomorrow ?    B. Yes , it is .

3. It’s cool , isn’t it ?      C. It is on the third floor .

4. What class are you in ?     D. He is Lin Hai .

5. Who is the tall boy in the middle ? E. I’m in Class 2, Grade 3.


than    find     four     up     fifth     third

her     look for     much      farther

1. There are ____ seasons (季节)in a year . Autumn(秋天) is the ____ season .

2. If you climb _______ a tree , you can see _______.

3. There are only four monkeys . Where is the _______ monkey ?

4. She goes back to _______ her book , but can’t ______ it .

5. An elephant is _______ bigger _______ an ant .

6. Is Eve in the reading room ?

No , she’s in ______ classroom .






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