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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语六年级下册第二单元测试题,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!

一. 选出不同类的词。(10分)

( )1.A.sad B.angry C. happy D. trip

( ) 2. A.heavy B. long C.taller D. strong

( ) 3.A.meter B. foot C. ton D. cm

( ) 4.A.finger B.nose C.strong D. leg

( ) 5.A.funny B.quiet C.English D. young

( )6. A. what B. which C. with D. when

( )7. A. play sports B. read books C. watch TV D. post office

( )8.A.have a cold B.climb mountains C.have a fever D.have a headache

( )9.A.January B. February C. Sunday D. September

( )10.A.cat B. tofu C. eggplant D. tomato


1. have a f_ver 喉咙痛

2. have a h_ _dache 牙痛

3. have a c_ ld 发烧

4. have a t_ _ thache 感冒

5. have a s _ re throat 头痛

三、 按要求变化下列单词。(15分)

1. feet(单数)________________2.know(同音词)______________

3.sad(反义词)______________ 4.fat(比较级)______________

5.bigger(原级) ______________ 6.centimeter(缩写)___________

7. young(比较级)_________ 8.kilogram(缩写)____________

9.strong (比较级)_________ 10.funny(比较级)________

四、 连线。(10分)

1. Nice to meet you. A.I’m sorry to hear that.

2. How do you feel? B.I have a high fever.

3. Where is the hospital? C.Nice to meet you too.

4. What’s the matter? D.I’m very happy.

5. I failed my English test. E.It’s next to the cinema.

6. How long is your pencil? F. I wear size 16.

7. What day is it today? G.. I am 35kg.

8. How tall are you? H. It’s Tuesday.

9. How heavy are you? I. It’s 20cm.

10. How big are you feet? J. I am 160cm tall.


( )1. How ___ he feel?

A. do B. does C. is D. are

( ) 2. What’s the matter ____ you, Amy?

A. for B. on C. with D. in

( )3. My nose _____.

A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurt D. are hurt

( )4. Tom _____ a toothache.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

( )5. Tom is laughing ___ the TV play.

A. at B. on C. for D. in

( )6.He is going ___ a trip.

A. to B. on C. at D. in

( )7. you ___ happy today.

A. look B. looks C. looking D. look at

( )8. I am so _____.

A. excite B. very excited C. excited D. is excited

( )9. You should stay __ bed ___ a few days.

A. at in B. with for C. in for D. at on

( )10. My little sister is 5kg ____ than me.

A. older B. bigger C. heavier D. taller


( )1. 如果你想询问朋友今天心情怎样,应该怎么说?

A. What are you? B. How are you?

( )2. 如果你是医生,应该怎样询问一个生病的人?

A. What’s the matter? B. How do you do?

( )3. 如果别人问你得了什么病,你应该怎样回答?

A. My nose hurts B. I’m sad

( )4. 当医生想询问病人感觉如何时,应该说:_______

A. How do you feel? B. What do you feel?

( )5. 当你看到John 不舒服时,你会让他:_________

A. see the doctor B. see a farmer


1.sore is throat my (.)

2. Amy does feel How (?)

3. today you look so sad (.)

4. toothache I a have (.)

5.failed I math my test(.)


It’s a snowy day in winter. Mary feels cold and she can’t get up. Her mother asks Mary, What’s the matter with you? “ I feel very cold and I have a headache.”Mary answers. Her mother is worried and says, “Let’s go to the hospital and see the doctor. I’m sure you’ll get well soon.”

1. It is a windy day.( )

2. Mary has a headache. ( )

3. Mary can get up.( )

4. They are going to the hospital.( )






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