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小学生想要学好英语,做题是最好的办法,威廉希尔app 为大家带来了英语六年级下册Unit1单元测试卷

一、听音,判断划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。( ) 1. pain baby ( ) 2.tail pine ( ) 3. bike dive( ) 4. point toy ( ) 5.day toy二、听音,选择你所听到的单词,将标号填入括号内。( ) 1. A. tail B. tall C. toy D. Tell ( ) 2. A. short B. smart C. small D. Smaller ( ) 3. A. old B. cold C. hold D. Told ( ) 4. A. thank B. than C. think D. That ( ) 5. A. sperm B. whale C. wall D. sea 三、听音,选择你所听到的句子,将标号圈起来。 1. A. My brother is 160 cm tall. B. My brother is 170 cm tall. 2. A. My schoolbag is 50 kg. B. My schoolbag is 15 kg. 3. A. His tail is longer. B. His head is smaller.4. A. I’m three years older than you. B. I’m three years younger than you. 5. A. Sperm Whale can dive into the deep cold water. B. Killer Whale can jump out of water. 四、听音,根据听到的问句,选择合适的答语。将标号填入提前括号内。 ( ) 1. A. I’m 164 cm tall. B. I’m 46 kg.. ( ) 2. A. Fine, thank you. B. I’m 11 years old. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. Me too. ( ) 4. A. The brown monkey is stronger. B. Yes, it is. ( ) 5. A. I’m 40 kg. B. I wear size 17.五、听短文,判断下列句子正误。对的“√”,错的“×”。( ) 1. John is 160 cm tall. ( ) 2. Miss White is taller than John. ( ) 3. Mike is shorter than John. ( ) 4. Amy is 165cm. ( ) 5. Amy is tallest in our class.笔试部分六、找出不同类的单词,将标号填入提前括号。( ) 1. A. tall B. shark C. short ( ) 2. A. fish B. whale C. jump ( ) 3. A. running B. diving C. bigger ( ) 4. A. older B. young C. strong ( ) 5. A. lobster B. cm C. kg选出不同类的词。()1A.heavier B.longer C.funny ()2.A.sperm whale B.lobster C.killer whale ()3.A. ton B. meter C. kg ()4.A. than B.yellow C.brown ()5.A. hair B. feet C. old 七、英汉互译。1.更瘦的 2.更小的 3.更壮的 4. than 5.Killer Whale 八、找出Ⅱ栏中与Ⅰ栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39. ( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. I’m 15 years old.( ) 3. How old are you ? C. I’m 45 kg.( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. I’m 158cm tall. ( ) 5. How long are your bed? E. It is 200cm.九、读对话,将句子补充完整。1. Mike: How you ?

Amy: I’m 40kg.Mike: I’m 35kg.I’m you.2. Sarah: you ? Liu Yun: I’m 165cm.Sarah: I’m 160cm.You’re cm me.十、选择填空。 ( ) 1. monkey do you like? A. Who B. What C. Which ( ) 2. I’m than you. A. strong B. thin C. thinner ( ) 3. My hands are bigger than . A. you B. your C. yours ( ) 4. How is your pencil? A. tall B. long C. longer ( ) 5. I’m 5 older than you . A. years B. cm C. year( ) 6.A pencil is 15___________. A. cm B.m C. mm ( ) 7 .You are 35_______ A.g B.tons. C.kg ( ) 8 . The Great Wall is 5,000 ________ long. A. cm B.m C. km ( ) 9 .I am 158 cm tall,but you are 155cm.So_____________. A.I am taller than you . B.I am shorter than you. C.You are 3 cn taller than me. ( ) 10 .How _______are your feet? I wear size 19. A.big B.long C.heavy ( ) 11 .You’re taller than _________ brother. A. me B.your C. you ( ) 12 .The boy is 45 kg.The girl is 40 kg.Which one is wrong(错误的)? A.The boy is bigger than the girl. B.The girl is stronger than the boy. C.The boy is heavier than the girl. ( ) 13 .Chen Jie is three years older than Amy.Which one is right?A.Chen Jie is 10,and Amy is 10,too. B.Chen Jie is 10,and Amy is 7. C.Chen Jie is 7,And Amy is 10. ( ) 14 .Tom is 160cm tall.His brother is 7cm taller than Tom.How tall is his brother? A.155cm. B.153cm C.167cm. ( ) 15 .Which one is stronger? A. elephant B.rabbit C.monkey ( ) 16 .You’re taller than _________. A.you B.I C.me ( ) 17 . The boy is six ______ tall. A. foot B. feet C.m

( ) 18 ---_____________? ---I wear size 17. A.How big are your feet? B.How long are your feet? C.How heavy are your feet? ( ) 18 .Line up ______ shorter ______ taller. A.go, to B.come, to C.from, to ( ) 19.---__________ do you watch TV? ---I watch TV once a week. A.How soon B.How long C.How tall 三.情景连线。1.How are you? A.I’m 160 cm. 2.How tall are you ? B.I’m 13 years old. 3.How old are you ? C.Fine ,thank you. 4.How heavy is he ? D.It’s 20 cm. 5.How long is the ruler? E.He ’s 55kg.四.选择适当的词填空1. I am 150 ________ tall.(am, cm)2. My friend is shorter _________ me. (than, then)3. __________ tall are you? (How, What)4.I’m 12. Lily is 11. I’m ________ than her. (shorter, older)5. Roma is ,but London is .(big bigger)6. Alice is ,but Mary is than Alice.(nice nicer)7. This line is , but that line is than the first line.(short shorter) 8. The right house is , but the left house than that one. (small smaller) 五.重新排列对话顺序,使对话完整。A: I’m 160cm tall. And you? B: How tall are you? C: Yes, you’re right. D: I’m 158cm tall. You’re 2 cm taller than me. ( ) -------( )--------( )-------( ) 六.仿照例句写填空。例子:stronger------stronger------I’m stronger than you. 1. young-----younger----_______________________________. 2.old-------_________----I’m older than you. 3.tall------ taller------_______________________________. 4.short----_________------_____________________________. 5._______--- smaller------_______________________________






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