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小学生想要学好英语,做题是最好的办法,威廉希尔app 为大家带来了六年级英语上册期末测试题


dancing________ hobby__________ bicycle___________ special__________sound__________ pen friend______ story_____________ difficult_________believe_________ lucky___________ come out of___ long ago_______stop____________ should__________ all arould_______ close____________often___________


( )1、Simon has got some chopsticks, ____ they are difficult.

A、and   B、but   C、or

( )2、Pandas eat ____ twelve hours a day.

A、for   B、to   C、on

( )3、She sometimes ____ the classroom after school.

A、clean   B、cleans   C、cleaning

( )4、I want to _____ the UN building someday.

A、visit   B、visits   C、visiting

( )5、______a fantastic present!

A、How B、Where C、What D、That

( )6、I want______go to the park.

A、do B、in C、with D、to

( )7、Not really, I______a long time ago.

A、stop B、stops C、stoped D、stopped

( )8、Do you often play ______dolls?

A、in B、with C、for D、of

( )9、______you want to go inside?

A、Does B、Did C、Are D、Do

( )10、Lily sometimes______ the blackboard.

A、talks B、walk C、cleans D、reads


A.Collecting stamps is my hobby. B.It’s in the east of China.C.Not very often. D.Linda can.E.No, I can’t.

( )1、Where’s Shanghai?

( )2、What’s your habby?

( )3、Do you often play with dolls?

( )4、Can you speak French?

( )5、Who can be your pen friend?


peace all around present bamboofantastic

1、There are flags from _______the world.

2、What a_______ present!

3、They want to bring ______to the world.

4、Pandas love ______.

5、I want to show Daming the ______from China.


1、you, have, from, got, stamps, any, China(?)


2、China, there, of, beautiful, lots, lakes, in, are(。)


3、you, your, often, room, do, clean(?)


4、ride, there, don’t, your, bicycle(!)

5、eat, pandas, for, a, twelve, day, hour(。)



A: What is it? B: Yes, we do.C: What a fantastic present! D: Yes, please.E: I want to take a photo.

Simon: Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?

Daming: ________

Simon: OK. Let’s go.

Daming: What a big building!

Simon: Do you want to go inside?

Daming: _________

Simon: I want to show you the present from China.

Daming: ________

Simon: It’s a train.

Daming: It’s beautiful. _______

Simon: It says, “From the people’s Republic of China, 1974.”

Daming: _________






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