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1、I       to  a  library  yesterday.( go ,went)

2、Can  I  write  to        ?( she ,her)

3、He  often       his  mum .( helps ,help)

4、What did you do       the  weekend?( at ,in)

5、It’s  fun        learn  English( on ,to)


(  )1、What are you doing?                 A、 It’s  fifty  years  old.

(  )2、How old is your school?              B、 I’ve got a desk.

(  )3、Did  you do sport?                  C、Yes,  I  can.

(  )4、What have you got in your room?       D、 I’m  tidying  my  room.

(  )5、What food do you love ?              E、No, I  didn’t.

(  )6、Can you tell me about America festivals? F、 I  love  noodle.


1、These  stamps  are  from  America. (对划线部分提问)

2、I  have got  a  book  about  China.(变否定句并翻译)

3、child  for  hours  a  sleeps  night  a  eight  。(连词成句)

4、The Great Wall is ten thousand li long. (对划线部分提问)

5、do  tidy  room  you  often  your ?  (连词成句)

6、it  very  is  festival  important  a 。  (连词成句)


John is six years old. He can read and write well. But he can`t tell the time.

His mother,Mrs Brown teaches him many times, but he still can`t tell. He would

say “breakfast time”,“lunch time” and “tea time” instead of (代替) saying eight

o`clock, twelve o`clock and four o`clock in the afternoon. His mother doesn`t

know how to help him.

One day John`s aunt, Mary comes to see his mother. His mother tell her about

that. His aunt says. “Let me help you. I think I can help him.”

When John comes home after school, Mary begins (开始) to teach him..

“Can you count,John ?” she asks him.

“Yes. One ,two three,four …”John says.

“That`s fine. Now I put the long hand (钟表的长指针) on twelve and the short

hand on one -that is one o`clock. If I put the short hand on two, what is the time?’’

“Two o`clock.”

“Good. And on three?”

“Three o`clock.”

Then it is four o`clock in the afternoon, and John`s aunt asks him, “What time is

it now ,John?”

“Tea time, Aunt, and I am very hungry .” John looks at the clock and answers.

(  ) 1. John `s mother can`t teach him to __________.

A. read B. write C. tell the time

(  ) 2. When it`s twelve o`clock John says it`s __________.

A. Breakfast time B. Lunch time C. Tea time

(  ) 3. The word “count” may mean (意思是) ____________.

A. 计算 B. 数数 C. 认为

(  ) 4. The long hand is on twelve, and the short hand is on five. What`s the time?

A. It`s twelve B. It`s five C. It`s four

(  ) 5. From the text (文章), we know _______.

A. John says teatime instead of four o`clock in the afternoon.

B. John has a nice watch (手表).

C. There is something wrong with John`s watch.







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