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Ⅶ.Read and complete


A. 根据短文选出最合适的内容,将其字母序号写在括号内。

What is recycling? It is to reuse anything that can be used again. Recycling may save our world. “ Recycling” also means doing everything we can do to prevent (阻止) the need for recycling. How do we do this? Here are some suggestions:

If you bring your own bags with you to the shop, you won’t need to use the bags of the shop. This will save bags before they need to be recycled.

Don’t buy things that can be used only once(一次). For example, use cloth naplins (餐巾) instead of (代替)paper napkins.

Put on warm clothes in the cold season, dress in cool clothes during the warm seasons and avoid(避免)using air conditions (空调).

Don’t leave the fridge door open for a long time!

Turn things off after you use them.

Take showers instead of baths. If you take showers, you use much less (较少的) water.

(     )  71. “          ” is to reuse something that can be used again.

A. Save bags  B.  Take showers  C.  Recycling

(     )  72.                            can be used only once.

A.  Paper napkins  B.  Glasss bottles  C.  Cloth mnapkins

(     )  73. Can we leave the fridge door open for a long time?

A.  Yes. iB. No. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

(     )  74.  We should          after we wash our hands.

A.  turn on the tap  B.  turn off the tap  C. turn on the light

(     )  75.  In summer we shoud put on          to avoid using air conditions.

A.  down jackets (羽绒服)  B.  warm clothes    C.  cool clothes

B. 判断句子与短文内容是否一致。一致的,在括号内写T,否则,写F。

Children in the USA like K Day very much. What is “K Day”? “K” is for kites. March 7th is the K Day. On that day many children go out and fly their kites. The children want to get the kites up, so they begin to run. The kites are flying in the sky. They are in different

colours . They look very beautiful! Look! Some kites are big, some kites are small, and some kites are very long. Some look like birds, and some look like flowers. All the children feel very happy.

(     )  76. The Chinese children like K Day very much.

(     )  77. K Day is kites’ Day.

(     )  78. All the children fly their kites on K Day.

(     )  79. All the kites are the same.

(     )  80. K Day in America is on the 7th of March.

It was a fine day. A little donkey went out to play. As he was playing happily near a river, a hungry wolf ran to him. The little donkey wasn’t frightened at all.“Good afternoon, Mr. Wolf.”said the donkey.“Now you can’t eat me yet.”“Why?”shouted the wolf.“I have just got a thorn(刺) in one of my hoofs(蹄).When you eat me, the thorn may prick your mouth. Would you like to help me pull it out first?”“How foolish you are!”the wolf thought.“I want to eat you, but you are worrying that the thorn may prick me.”So he answered with a smile, “Of course. If you let me eat you, I’d like to do everything for you.”Then he lowered his head close to the hoof. The little donkey kicked the wolf with all his strength suddenly and then ran away quickly.

(     )  81. The little donkey had got a thorn in his hoof.

(     )  82. The wolf helped the little donkey pull the thorn out.

(     )  83. The little donkey was very foolish.

(     )  84. At last the little donkey ran away.

(     )  85. “Prick” means “刺穿” in the sentence “The thorn may prick your mouth.”


Last week, Mrs Black went to London. She didn’t know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop. She went to the man and said, “Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?” The man smiled. He didn’t know English! He came from France. But he put his hand into his pocket, and took out an English dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, “I’m sorry I can’t understand you.”

86. The man near a bus stop is a F             .

87. The man can’t s             English.

88. Mrs Black comes from E             .

得分 评卷人


(书面表达)(6分)请以“My National Day holiday”为题写一篇英语短文。要求不少于六句话,语句通顺,书写工整。







学们,加油噢!Come on!

Ⅰ.Listen and choose(选择所听内容,将其字母序号写入括号内)

1.  / `weðə /  2.  / e /  3. plastic  4. No smoking

5. I visited the Shanghai Museum last weekend..

Ⅱ.Listen and choose(听录音,找出合适的应答句)

6.What did Nancy do last Saturday?   7. What do the signs mean?

8. How was your holiday?   9.What can we do to keep the air clean?

10.What are you going to do before Chinese New Year?

Ⅲ.Listen and choose(根据所听对话及问题,选出正确的答案,将其序号写入括号内)

11. M: What did you do yeterday evening, Su Hai?

W: I went shopping with my parents.

Q: Did Su Hai go shopping with her friends yeterday evening?

12. W: Where did you go last National Day holiday,Tom?

M: I went to a farm. What about you, Helen?

W: I went to a park with my cousin Jack.

Q: Where was Jack last National Day holiday?

13. W: What did you do last Sunday, Tom?

M: I went to a cinema with my brother.

Q: What did Tom do last Sunday?

14. W: Be careful, Tim! Can you see the sign on the floor?

M: What does it mean?.

W: It means the floor is wet.

Q: What sign do they see on the floor?

15. W: What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve, Liu Tao?

M: Er… I’m going to have a big dinner with my family.

Q: What is Liu Tao going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?

Ⅳ.Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词)

Last Saturday Liu Tao saw Peter’s name in the  newspaper  .He wanted to be his penfriend and wrote an   email  to him. He told him about his school, his family and his   plan  about Chinese New Year. He is going to buy a lot of new clothes and food before Chinese New Year. He is going to visit Peter next summer holiday.




(一) Listening Test(听力部分)(共20分)

Ⅰ.Listen and choose (5分)                                     BCACA

Ⅱ.Listen and choose (5分)                                     CBABA

Ⅲ. Listen and choose (5分)                                     CACAC

Ⅳ.Listen and fill in the blanks(5分)

newspaper  email  plan   before   holiday

(二)Written Test(读写部分)(共77分)


A. 21-22: / sain /  heavy

B. 23-26: DCBA


27-36: long long ago; 变成; hold onto; 过去和现在; go well;  全世界;  cut dowm;

保护地球;  red packets/ a red packet; 瑞雪兆丰年。

(每小题1分: 奇数题如与标准答案不相符,则不得分;偶数题只要意思相同,则不扣分。)

Ⅲ.Read and complete(14分)

A. 37-40: show; more; Danger; Most

B. 41-44: told; couldn’t; to make; second

C. 45-47: on ; foot; Did; visit; are; do

Ⅳ.Read and choose (10分)                     48-57: ACBCB   CCCBA

Ⅴ. Dialogues and passage (8分)

A. 58–61: CDAB

B. 62-65: 划is,改为was; 划want,改为wanted;划we,改为us;划rained,改为rain.  (找错错误,扣1分;找对错误,得0.5分,在此基础上改对,再得0.5分)

Ⅵ. Cloze (5分)   66-70: factories; smoke;air; feel; streets

Ⅶ.Read and complete (15分)  71-75: CABBC    76-80: FTFFT     81-85: TFFTT

Ⅷ.Read and write(3分)                       86-88: French; speak; England













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