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A young man is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands beside him. The young man stands up. The old woman pushes him back into his seat and says, “ Don’t stand up. I don’t want to sit down.”

The man stands up again. The woman pushes him down again and says, “ You don’t have to give me your seat. I am not so old. I can stand.”

The young man tries to stand up for third time. The woman tries to push him again. The man shouts, “ Don’t push me, please. I will get off the bus.”

判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“ T ”表示,不相符的用“ F ”表示

( ) 1. The man and the woman are in different buses.

( ) 2. The woman is standing in the bus.

( ) 3. At last(最后), the woman pushes the young man back into the seat.

( ) 4. The woman likes to stand.

( ) 5. The young man stands up because he wants to give the seat to the old woman.



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