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(   ) 1. She wanted _____help the smaller bird.

A. to helping         B. to help         C. help

(   ) 2.My ruler is _________ than yours.

A. long            B. longer          C. longest

(   ) 3. Dongdong is _______ a pen now.

A. picking up        B. pick up        C. picked up

(   ) 4.We are going to _____ Anne tomorrow.

A. visit        B. visited        C. visits

(   ) 5.Peter is _____happy _____a bird.

A. as, for           B. very, than         C. as, as

(   ) 6. Ann walked down the stairs and Tom _________ her.

A. follows          B. following        C. followed

(   ) 7.She always _____ her bed at 7:00 am.

A. makes          B. making          C. make

(   ) 8. I can’t drink this cup of tea .  It’s too______.

A. small          B. weak          C. hot

(   )9. I ________ to the park last Sunday.

A. went         B. go           C.going

(   ) 10. The children are playing _______.

A. happy         B. happily         C. happier


1. elephant, An ,is , bigger, a, monkey, than , (.)


2. can’t ,We, throw, the, stones, at ,dog,(.)


3. you , Are, going, a, film, to, see (?)


4. horns, are, These ,too ,big, (.)


5. heavy, are, How, you, (?)



Jim and Bill are brothers. As you can see, in some ways they look the same(相同的), and in some ways they look different(不同的). They both have brown eyes and golden(金色的)hair. They both like playing football and they are good at it. Jim is taller than Bill, but Bill is quieter than Jim. However, both of them are clever.

1. Jim and Bill are good friends.              (     )

2. Jim and Bill look the same in some ways.     (     )

3. Bill talks more than Jim.                  (     )

4. Jim is cleverer than Bill .                  (     )

5. Bill is taller than Jim.                    (     )






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