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威廉希尔app 为大家带来了六年级英语上册期末练习题,希望能够帮助大家很好的掌握本文中所提到的知识点,帮助大家学习。


( )1、A、knee    B、knife    C 、kite

( )2、A、yellow   B、coat    C、paw

( )3、A、class    B、game   C、name

( )4、A、floor    B、room   C、fork

( )5、A、count   B、mouse  C、would

二、 选择题。

( )1、What ____ he doing?

A、is   B、are   C、am

( )2、Who are they?

A、They are bats. B、They are ghosts. C、These are ghosts.

( )3、How are you?

A、I’m fine. B、I’m nine. C、I’m Tingting.

( )4、What are you doing?__________

A、They are practicing English.

B、I’m practicing English.

C、I’m practiceing English.

( )5、The toilet is ____ the third floor.

A、in   B、on   C、at

( )6 、What would you like____ drink?

A、to   B、on   C、for

( )7 、May I___________?

A、haveing a look B、having a look C、have a look

( )8 、Sit down, please._________

A、Thank you. B、Stand up. C、Yes, of course.

( )9 、Those are potatoes. ____ potatoes____ big.

A、Those , is B、Those ,are C、The ,are

( )10 、_____ a pretty Christmas card!

A、How   B、What   C、what


( )1、It’s very hot in nanjing in July.________

A     B  C

( )2、I’m runing on the playground.________

A    B C

( )3、Where is he doing? He is reading in the study._______

A     B     C

( )4、What would you like drink?_______

A   B     C

( )5、Lele is on Class1,Grade 6._______

A B   C


1、Let me show you around.      A、They are roses.

2、What would you like to drink?    B、Thank you.

3、Please sweep the floor.       C、No problem.

4、What are these?          D、It’s on September 1st.

5、When is your birthday?       E、Milk,please.


1、do flowers you send usually what (?)


2、is study the bedroom the opposite (?)


3、tell please something me Mid-autumn Festival about (。)


4、class are in what you (?)


5、our third teachers’ office is on the floor (。)


以上就是六年级英语上册期末练习题的全部内容,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !





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