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(  )1. Are there ________ apples on the table?

A. any        B. a         C. some         D. the

(  )2. I live ________ London ________ my parents.

A. and; in            B. with; at          C. in; with

(  )3. My birthday is ________ June 1st.

A.on               B. in               C. at

(  )4. -_____?

-because I feel angry.

A. What do you take a breath?   B. How do you see a doctor?

C. When do you count to ten?  D. Why do you take a deep breath?

(  )5. Su Hai wants to go ________ .

A. fish     B. fishes    C. fishing

(  )6. My father likes ________ music after lunch .

A. listening to        B. listen to        C. listen

(  )7. What ______ your hobbies?

A.is               B. are            C. am

(  )8. Helen _________art, she is an ________.

A. teacher, teaches       B. teaches, teaches

C. teaches, teacher    D. teaching, teacher

(    ) 9. The mice  _____bad, they are afraid  ___cat.

A. are , of      B. are , with      C. is , of

(    )10.-Happy birthday to you!    - _________.

A . Nice to see you.    B. Thank you.     C. All right.

八. 连词成句(10分)

1. his,  is , afraid , he ,  father ,  of     ( . )


2. mother,  my,  me , is , angry  ,with  ( . )


3. goes,  by  ,to  ,school , bus  ,Sarah    ( . )


4.football , like , play  ,also , I,  ( . )


5. do , you ,  to , come , school,  how    ( ? )


九. 给下面的回答选择恰当的问句。(10分)

1.- ___________?  -- I often read books on the weekends.

2. -___________?  -- No, I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

3.- __________?   --I am going there by car. My parents will go with me.

4.- ___________?   -- He is a Chinese teacher.

5.- ___________?   -- No, my grandma is doctor.






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