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22, A: _______ you usually draw on Saturday? B: Yes, and I am _______ now.

23,A: What _______ Li Ming have for breakfast every day? B: He ________ congee and vegetables.

25,_______ there a library in your school? B: Yes, and there _______ a lot of books in it.

26, A:_______ did you go yesterday? B: I _______ to see the doctor.

27,A:________ you usually cook yourself? B: Yes, look, I am_______ now.

28,A: What ________ Li Hua usually do after supper? B: He usually_______ his homework.

29,A:________ are you going to buy? B: I _______ going to buy a red skirt.

30,A: ________ your mother get up at six every morning? B: Yes, but she _______ up at seven yesterday morning.

31,A: Is the red coat________ dearest? B: No, it is _______ than the purple one.

32,A:________ you give me this picture? B: Of course, but you _______ show it to anybody.

33,A:_______ there any water in that bottle? B: Yes, and there ________ three fishes in it.

34, A: _______ are you going to go to the party tomorrow? B: I________ going to go by car.

35,A:_______ he usually have breakfast at seven o’clock? B: No, but he ________ breakfast at seven yesterday.

36,A: Are you________ tallest in your family? B: No, I am ________ than my brother.

37,A:_______ I do my homework here? B: Yes, but you ________ talk here.

38,A: _______ there any pictures in you room? B: Yes, there _______ a picture of Lei Feng.

39,A:_______ are you going to go this Saturday? B: I______ going to go to the park with my friends.

40,A:_______ Miss.Ma usually go to work by bus? B: No, but she ______ to work by bus yesterday.

41, A: Is Tom______ oldest in your class? B: No, he is _______ than me.

42,A:_______ we cross the street here? B: Yes, but you _______ cross the street at a green light.

43,A:_______ there a pencil-box in your bag? B: Yes, there ______ two pencils and an eraser in it.






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