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三、选择题 (10分)

(     )1. May 21st reads___________________________________.

A. May twenty-one        B. the May twenty-first

C. May the twenty-first

(     )2. “Keep off the grass” means we ______ walk on the grass.

A. can     B. shouldn’t     C. must    D. should

(     )3. Jim and Ben  ________ about Ben’s birthday yesterday.

A. are, talk    B. were, saying     C. are, speaking    D. were , talking

(     )4. The camera isn’t in my pocket. It________ there a moment ago.

A. be     B. was    C. is   D. were

(     )5. Mr Green usually         his  friends when he was young.

A. writes  B. is writing    C. wrote  D. write

(     )6. Does the sign        ‘No        ’?——Yes, it does.

A. say, writing    B. says, write   C. says, writing  D. say, write

(     )7. Why we        swim in the river?

—— Can’t you see the sign ‘No swimming’ there?

A. can     B. should     C. can’t  D. shouldn’t.

(     )8. Where were my shoes?________________________

A. It’s on the desk.    B. They are under the desk.

C. They were under the desk.

(     )9. John is twenty years old, but he has only five birthdays. Why?

Because he was born(出生)_________.

A. at night                    B. five years ago

C. on the last night of a year      D. on February 29

(     )10. I called        yesterday afternoon. But she        in.

A. she, isn’t.     B. her, wasn’t    C. her, isn’t

四、 按要求完成下列句子 (6分)

1. Tom can write now.(用last year 替换now)

2. It means “No littering”.(划线提问)

3.You should go in first.(改成否定句)


4.He take it into the office.(改成一般过去时)


5.It means the floor is wet.(一般疑问句)

6.He bought the things from the shops.(对划线部分提问)


五、连词成句 (5分)

1. you , means , smoke, can’t , it, here

____________________________ .

2. a , sentence, ‘clean’, make, with


3. could, draw, he, for, any, pictures


4. noodles, eating, restaurant, are, the, they, some


5. does, what , sign ,the, mean

_________            ________?


1.There       three______(box) on the table just now. But there        anything now.

2.      it        (mean) ‘No swimming’? Yes, it        .

3.  Where       you go      holiday? I        (go) to Xi’an.

4.  Jim and I ______ (be) in the same_______ (class) two years ago.

5.  What______(do) ‘No_______(park)’ mean?

It       you               your cars here.

6.  What are you doing?

We__________(talk) about the ____ (run) race.

7. Mum, where        my bread?

They      on the table this morning. But they     there now.(be)

七、Read and judge. 根据短文内容判断句子正(F)误(F)。(10分)

I have a cousin. He’s only four years old. Today I go to a library with him. He doesn’t know the signs. I tell him about the signs. This sign means “Be quiet”. We should not shout in the library .  That sign means “No eating or drinking”. We can’t eat or drink here. My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him.

(   )1、My cousin is five years old .

(   )2、We are in the supermarket.

(   )3、We shouldn’t smoke in the library.

(   )4、We can eat and drink in the library.

(   )5、We shouldn’t shout in the library.






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