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三、词组互译 (10分)

1.我们城市的图片                               2.你的想法

3.使一家果汁商店脏                             4. 步行到校

5.把垃圾放进垃圾桶                             6. 喜欢吃芒果

7.扔一个香蕉皮                                 8. 两只小鸟

9. 喜欢住在这个城市                            10. 擦桌椅


1.----Look! The river is very dirty.     ----Yes. There are many d       fish in it.

2.Liu Tao doesn’t like l       in the city.

3.Yang Ling s        the floor at weekends.

4.Who`s w           yellow today? SuYang and Nancy.

5.It`s s           and w       . Helen and Tim are f         a kite in the park.

6.Liu Tao was ill and he went to h         last night.

7.Please don`t s         . The baby is s          .

8.R         makes the playground messy.

9.Who`s the n        one to sing? It`s my turn.

10.Many years ago. George l       in a small house in a small town. There w      not many cars in the streets. He didn’t h       a TV or radio. He c      only read newspapers for news. He didn’t have a telephone e        .  Now George has a big house with a garden. He can t       the metro to the city centre. He has a car . He reads and w        news on the Internet. He also has a mobile phone and he can c        his family and friends anytime.


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