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笔试部分 (共70分)

四、找出每组单词中划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项  (5分)

(    )1. A. her   B. father  C. nurse     D. purse

(    )2. A.book         B.room          C.cartoon          D.food

(    )3. A.go           B.those         C.hot              D.rose

(    )4. A. family    B. danger    C. happy          D. hand

(    )5. A. orange    B. often     C. open       D. costume


1.a new student_________________   2. ask some questions_______________

3. on the wall_____________________ 4.at Tom’s birthday party___________

5. 散步______________               6.在十二月 _______________

7. 寻找他们的礼物_________         8.一副耳机____________

9. 十月二十日 __________           10.禁止吃喝_________

11. 两本日记本____________         12. 把他们捡起来___________


(    )1. I know        about public signs.

A. lots of     B. many   C. a lot       D. a lots of

(    )2. There’s       English student in my class, she is      girl.

A. an, a      B. a, an   C. an,the    D. a, the

(    )3. Your book is under the chair. Please        .

A. pick up it    B. pick it up  C. pick them up   D. pick up them

(    )4. The pair of earphones         Su Hai’s.

A. are              B. am             C. is                D. /

(    )5. — What _______ on the plate?  — There _______ some apples.

A. is; are     B. is; is   C. /; is   D. are; is

(    )6. My birthday is         the 4th of January.

A.                 B. in              C. on              D. at

(    )7. ______ speak loudly . Keep quiet, please.

A. Don’t           B. Shouldn’t      C. Doesn’t         D. Wouldn’t

(    )8. What ______ is it today? It’s Friday.

A. date             B. time            C. day              D. week

(    )9. Where ______ you two days ago? I _____ in Beijing.

A. Was,  were       B. Were,  was      C. Was,  was        D. Were, were

( )10.The rabbits were there _______.

A. now              B. just now        C. sometimes        D.Often


1. Do you like _____________ (make) kites?

2. We must ______________ (do) our homework now.

3. ________(not run) on the grass, please.

4. Sunday is the ________(one) day of the week.

5.  All the teachers are very           (exciting).

6.  The sign on the ________(bird) cage is very interesting.

7.  The diary ________ (be) in your bag just now.

8.  He usually ___________(get) up at six o’clock


(A)                                 (B)

(     ) 1. Can you see those signs?            .A. October 9.

(     ) 2. What’s the date today ?             B .All right.

(     ) 3.How many signs can you see?           C. Yes,please.

(     ) 4. Shall we go to the zoo ?             D. It’s Tuesday.

(     ) 5. What day is it ?                     E.Thank you.

(     ) 6. Would you like some milk ?           F. Some flowers.

(     ) 7. What do you like ?                   G. I can.

(     ) 8. Does he often go shopping ?          H.No,I can’t.

(     ) 9. Your shoes look so nice.             I.Yes, he does.

(     )10. Who can read the words ?             J. Seven.

九、根据所给中文,完成下列句子,每个空格只填一个单词。( 10 分)

1. 那个标志意思叫你不要在这喧哗。

That sign _________ you shouldn’t _________ _________ here.


You _________ _________ your homework first.


__________your birthday? It’s__________the 21st of_________.



--What           you like           your birthday present ?

--I’d like a cake.


1.There were some glasses on the desk just now.(改成否定句)

There _________  any glasses on the desk just now.

2. I’d like some toys as my birthday present.(划线部分提问)

_______ would you like as your birthday present?

3.We should be quiet in the reading room.(改为同义句)

We                    noise in the reading room.

4.Li Ming can sing an English song.(改为一般疑问句)

Li Ming sing an English song?


Who put ink(墨水) on my chair?

Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?”

“I was in the teacher’s office.” “Why did you go to the teacher’s office?”

“Because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but I can .” “It’s good to answer the question.” “but the question was‘Who put ink on my chair?’”

(     )1. Tom lives near his school.

(     )2. He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

(     )3. Today Tom was late for school.

(     )4. Tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair.

(     )5. The boy is very naughty(调皮).


今天是体育运日动,所有的学生都很兴奋,Su Hai 和 Su Yang 正在看赛跑。Su Hai想要拍些照片,她正在找她的照相机,Su Yang正在帮她找。





1. cupboard       2. baseball      3. there       4. copybook     5. would

6. June           7. song         8. fifty       9. mouth        10. film


1. A: Where’s your bag, Jim?    B: It’s in my desk.

A: It’s not there now.        B: It was there just now.

A: Er. Where is it now?      B: Look, Mum, it’s behind my desk.

Q: Where is Jim’s bag?

2. A: What would you like as a birthday present, Helen? A storybook?

B: No, I’d like some crayons.

Q: What would Helen like as a birthday present?

3. A: My birthday is in November.     B: When?

A: My birthday is on the 13th of November.     B: Oh, I see.

Q: When is his birthday?

4. A: What does this sign mean?       B: It means we shouldn’t make noise here.

Q: What does that sign mean?

5. A: Hello, Yang Ling. What day is it today?   B: It’s Wednesday.

A: What date is it today?                 B: It’s the 2nd of July.

A: What’s the time now?                 B: It’s a quarter to ten.

Q: What date was it yesterday?


I know a lot about public signs in the park. They mean different things. We must keep off the grass. We shouldn’t walk on it. We shouldn’t make noise near the birds’ cage. The sign on the wall in the park means “Danger!” We must stay away from i

这就是为大家准备2015-2016学年六年级英语第一学期期中卷,希望对大家有用,威廉希尔app 会及时奉上小学生期中考试卷及期中考试复习相关内容,请大家及时锁定威廉希尔app 小学频道!

威廉希尔app 为大家策划了六年级上学期期中复习专题,为大家提供 了六年级期中复习知识点、六年级期中考试复习要点、六年级期中试卷、六年级期中考试模拟题、六年级语文期中复习要点、六年级数学期中模拟题、六年级英语期中复习资料等相关内容, 供大家考前复习参考。





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