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(    )1.—        can I go to Shanghai?  —You can go by plane.

A.What     B.Where    C.How

(    )2.Then turn right          the hospital?

A.in     B.at     C.on

(    )3.—I         going to take a trip tomorrow.

A.am   B.is   C.are

(    )4.—What         they going to do?

A.is      B.are     C.am

(    )5.I am going to buy a dictionary in the       .

A.restaurant     B.bookstore    C.museum

(    )6.I must         the traffic lights!

A.pay attention    B.attention to  C.pay attention to

(    )7.She’s going to        the Great Wall next week.

A.visit     B.visits     C.visiting

(    )8.Please       ! The light is yellow now.

A.slow down and stop  B.stop and wait   C.go

(    )9.How do you       to the USA from China?

A.gets     B.get to     C.get

(    )10.—How do you go to school?  —I often go to school        foot.

A.by      B.on     C.in


1.a, and, red, stop, at, light, wait ( . )

2.coming, bus, the, is ( . )

3.you, where, going, are ( ? )

4.over, park, the, is, there ( . )

5.the, in, of, front, we, cinema, are ( . )


(    )1.Where are you going?   A.You too..

(    )2.How do you come to school?  B.I’m going to the library.

(    )3.Where is the post office?   C.It’s next to the museum.

(    )4.Can I help you?          D.By bus.

(    )5.Have a good time!         E.Yes


I’m Jack. I live near our school. So I usually go to school on foot. But sometimes I go by bike.My father works in our school. We go to school together. On the weekend, I often play with my friend, Mike. We usually play ping—pong. Sometimes we play chess. This weekend, I’m going to visit my grandparents. Because it’s my grandma’s birthday.

(    )1.Jack usually goes to school        .

A.on foot   B.by bike   C.by bus

(    )2.Jack’s father works        .

A.next to the school B.near the school  C.in the school

(    )3.Jack goes to school with       .

A.his father   B.his friend, Mike C.his mother

(    )4.Jack and Mike usually        .

A.play football  B.play ping—pong C.play chess

(    )5.Whose birthday is this weekend?

A.Grandfather’s.  B.Grandmother’s . C.Mike’s.




1、traffic,2、taxi,3、sled,4、stop,5 、No.15


1、 I go to school by bike .

2、 I want to bu a dictionary .

3 、I usually watch TV after school .

4 、I like playing football .

5 、She is an English teacher .


1、My mother works near the sea.

2、Peter is going to have an English class.

3、My brother goes to work by bus.

4、Mike goes to work by car.

5、We are going to Beijing next Wednesday.


1、The post office is behind the science museum.

2、There is a bank in my city.

3、Let’s go straight and turn left at the bookstore.

4、I usually go to the hospital by subway.

5、what are you going to do tonight ? I’m going to see a film.

参 考 答 案


一、1~5  AABAC

二、1~5  BACCB


四、1、post office ,2、bank ,3、straight ,4、subway, 5、 film


五、1-5  ACBCC

六、1-5  CBABB    6-10 CAABB

七、1.Stop and wait at a red light.

2.Where does your father work?

3.Where are you going?

4.My father is a police officer.

5.He should see a doctor.

八、1-5  BDCEA

九、1-5  ACABB

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