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等级 评卷人


(    )    16 、There      a Chinatown in New York.

A 、is           B 、are         C 、am

(    )    17、 _____ you got any American stamps?

--Yes, I have.

A、 Has         B、 Have       C、 Do

(    )   18、Are there any apples on the tree?

A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.

(    )  19、 I want my pencil ,Amy . Please give it to ______.

A 、me          B 、him      C 、us

(  ) 20、 We say “thank you” for _____food , family and friends . A 、us                B、 our         C 、we

(    ) 21 、Can you tell me _______about the Great Wall ?

A 、more               B 、some        C、 any

(    )  22、5.My hobby is ________TV.

A. watching   B. watch      C. watched

(    )  23、_________stamps is my hobby.

A 、collect       B 、collects      C、 collecting

(    )  24 、__________some  books  on the desk.

A 、There  are           B 、There  is

(   ) 25、 Have you got ______books ?

A 、a     B、  some    C 、 any

(     )26 ________are those?

–They are postcards。

A. what  B. How   C. Who

(     ) 27.Daming, here is a letter______ you.

A. from.   B. for    C. about

(     )28 My father _____ Thanksgiving Day.

A love      B like    C loves

(    ) 29 Here is a letter for you ,it is _____Simon.

A. from    B. to    C. with

(   )30 ____ Thanksgiving Day we say thank you.

A. from    B. to    C. on

等级 评卷人



1 ( )What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?  A  Playing football is my hobby.

2 (  )How long is the Great Wall?  B It`s got about twenty million people.

3(  )How big is Beijing?            C  We have a big family dinner.

4(  )What`s your hobby ?  D  My favourite festival is Spring Festival.

5(  )Have you got a dog?  E  I`m sending an email to my family in China.

6(  )What are you doing ,Daming?        F  Yes, I have .

等级 评卷人

7(  )What`s your favourite festival?      G It`s about twenty thousand   kilometers .


Daming: Look at this postcard . It’s a picture of the Great Wall .

Simon :

Daming: It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .

Simon :  Wow !

Daming: Tell me something about New York .

Simon : It’s very big . It’s got eight million peopleDaming:That is big .

Simon :

Daming: It’s got about fourteen million people .

Simon :

Daming:Yes, I have .

Simon :Yes , I do. They are very great !

A.How big is it ?         B.How long is it ?

C.How big is Beijing ?

D.Do you like them ?

E.Have you got postcards of Beijing ?

等级 评卷人


collecting    Spring festival   million    Canada    shops

1、      is my favourite festival.

2 、These are some stamps from

3 、     stamp is my hobby.

4 、 These are lots of  Chinese     there.

5 、  Beijing's   got about  fourteen     people.

等级 评卷人


1、you  on  What  do  Thanksgiving Day   do

2. playing, is, computer, my hobby, games

3.  from, are, stamps, these, China

4. got  Have  any  you   dolls  Japan  from

5. all we  go  see  the  to  race   dragon boat

等级 评卷人

七、根据短文内容,完成下列各题,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”. (10分,每小题2分)

There is a new park near my house. It’s a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a restaurant.On my right, there is a big lake. There  are many flowers and trees near the lake. There’s a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign(警示牌).It says “Don’t swim in the lake!” There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.

(   )1、The  park  near  my  house  is  old  and  beautiful.

(  )2、There  is  a  restaurant in  the  park.

(  )3、People  can  swim  in  the  lake.

(  )4、The  shops  in  the  park  are  not  big.

(  )5、People  like  the  park.


Christmas is a very important western(西方的) festival . It is on the 25th of December. People decorate(装饰) their homes. They send Christmas cards to their relatives(亲戚) and friends , and they buy Christmas trees to decorate their homes . They buy presents and put them under their Christmas tree. Some families open their presents on Christmas Eve(前夜) on Christmas Day. There are lights in the streets and shops. Everyone gets together and has a big meal. They have a good time.

(    )1. When is Christmas?

A、It is on the 25th of December. B、 It is in the 24th of December.

(   ) 2 what do people send to their relatives(亲戚) and friends at Christmas?

A、 Christmas cards    B、presents  C、festival

(    )3. What do people put under the Christmas trees?

A、 Christmas cards    B、presents  C、festival

(    )4. What can you see in the streets?

A、Christmas Day     B、presents    C、lights

(    )5. What do people eat?

A、letters            B、a big meal    C、Christmas card

等级 评卷人

八,作文,、以“My favourite festival”为题,写一下自己喜爱的节日,不少于40词。(10分)


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