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一. 听读句子,选出句子含有的信息,将其字母写在括号内.

1. I often feed chickens and ducks after school.

2. It takes him fifty minutes to get there.

3. He can finish his homework on time.

4. My grandma likes this healthy life very much.

5. I have plenty of fresh food every day.

6. That city is small but quiet.

7. The streets in that city are crowded and dirty.

8. There is a big field near that house.

9. We should take plenty of exercise to stay healthy.

10. My brother has an expensive book.

二. 听句子,根据听到的顺序,给下列图编号.

A. The traffic in New York is crowded and noisy.

B. Li Wei helps his father milk the cows every morning.

C. I ride a bike to go to school.

D. Look, The old men are taking exercises in the park.

E. My grandma is feeding the chickens now.

F. Please take medicine three times a day.

G. My brother is a student in Guangzhou.

H. They always pick apples in autumn.

三. 听问句,选择最佳答语,并把其大写字母编号写在括号内.

1. What are those ladies doing now?

2. What do you think the life in the country?

3. Where is your mother from?

4. Is there a crowded street in that country?

5. Where are you from?

6. What’s the matter with you?

7. Why can’t Li Wei go to school today?

四. 听句子,写出句中所缺的单词.

1. I have plenty of exercise everyday..

2. The  traffic  in that city is too  heavy  now.

3. She eats too much  candy  every day.

4. In the city, there are many theatres and surpermarkets.

5. The farmers are working in the  field  .

6.The streets are __clean______, but it is very ___noisy______.

.五. 判断下列句子是否与短文相符,如符合写“T”,否则写“F”.

Hi, my name is Ben. I am a boy from New York. But now I am in England. I live in a big city here. There is a river in the city. But the water in the river is so dirty. There are too many boats on the river. I study at a small school on weekdays. At the weekend, I often go to the theatre with my friends. So I am always very busy.


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