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三、Listen and choose the best anster. 6% 选出正确答案。

(    )1. A.They’re $30           (    )2.A. An elephant

B.They’re $40                  B. A hippo

C.They’re $50                  C. A tiger

(    )3. A. On foot              (    )4. A.Once a week

B. By bus                      B. Twice a month

C. By car                      C. Three times a year

(    )5. A.Yes it is.              (    )6. A. A piece of candy

B. No it isn’t.                   B.A bag of chips

C.Yes they are.                 C. A pair of socks

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.6% 补写句子。

1. How often do you go             ?               a year.

2.Did you buy a            of ice cream at the store ?

No, I didn’t. I bought a            of shampoo.

3.       do you get to school ? I usually take the             .

Reading & Writing 70%



eight__        ninet__        che__p            exp__nsive


更大的________ 更小的________ 更快的________更慢的________


___________  _____________  ______________  ______________


___________  _____________  ______________  ______________

六、Choose the best answer.20% 单项选择。

(    ) 1.The train is slower          the plane.

A. that               B. than               C. then

(    )2.The bike is three              yuan

A. hundred           B. hundreds            C. hundredes

(    )3.How          is the bag ? ----Forty yuan.

A. many             B. much               C.old

(    )4.An elephant is             than a hippo.

A. big               B. bigger              C. biger

(    )5.Jenny likes           .

A. hike              B. hiking              C.go hiking

(    )6.           does your father get to work? -----Ride a bike.

A. When              B.How often           C.How

(    )7.What are you reading ? I’m reading          hiking ?

A. with               B.in                  C.about

(    )8.Tony usually           her bike to school.

A.ride                B. rode                C.rides

(    )9.I never look         cookies.

A.for                 B.at              C.on

(    )10.I have           toilet paper. But I don’t have              shampoo.

A. any; some           B.some; any        C. any; any

七、Read and match.8%从B组中找出答案,并写在括号内。

A                                       B

(    )1.Which is faster, a bird or a chicken?     A.They’re 1dollar.

(    )2.Is a turtle slow?                     B. A bird.

(    )3.Can I try it?                        C.I bought a book.

(    )4.How much are the shoes?             D.No,I never take the subway to school.

(    )5.What did you buy yesterday?          E. I reading about fishing.

(    )6.Do you ever take the subway to school?  F. Twice a week.

(    )7.What are you reading?                G. Yes, it’s very slow.

(    )8.How often do you eat fish?             H.Sure.

八、Made a sentence.10%连词成句。

1、play / How / ping-pong / do/you (  ?  )

2、 An / elephant / is / bigger / (  .  )

3、get / candy / I / to / am / going / of / a / piece / (  .  )

4、Tony / week /bus / takes / twice / a / the (  .  )

九、Reading.10% 阅读

Gogo: Nice to meet you ! I’m Gogo.

Mike: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Mike. Welcome to Beijing.

Gogo: Where do you come from, Mike?

Mike: I com from America, what about you ?

Gogo: I come from Zhongshan, Guangdong. How did you come to China?

Mike: By plane.

Gogo: Why don’t you come by car ?

Mike: It takes too much time. But in the U.S.A. many people usually go to other cities by car . How did you come to Beijing?

Gogo: By train.

Mike: I see many students in Beijing ride their bikes to school.

Gogo: That’s right. But we usually get to school bus to school in the U.S.A.

Mike: That’s interesting. We usually take the school bus to school in the U.S.A.


(    )1.Mike comes from America.

(    )2.Mike thinks it takes too much time to take a plane to China.

(    )3.Many students in Beijing get to school by bike.

(    )4.American students often take a taxi to school.

(    )5.Mike and Gogo are in Zhongshan now.

Hello Ann:

My name is Betty. Let’s be pen-friends. I’m from the U.S.A. I’m eleven years old. My hobbies are baseball and hiking. I usually play baseball twice a week and I go hiking three times a month .I also like to go horse riding. I always take the bus to school. What about you? I’m going to the supermarket with my mom. We are going there by car. Bye-bye. Write to me soon.




(    )1. Who is Betty?

A. She’s a Chinese girl.   B.She’s an English girl.    C.She’s an American girl.

(    )2.What are Betty’s hobbies?

A.Baseball and drawing.  B.Hiking and baseball

C.Swimming,baseball and hiking.

(    )3.How often does Betty play baseball?

A.Once a week.          B.Twice a week.          C.Three times a week.

(    )4.How does Betty go to school?

A.By car.               B.By bus.                C.By taxi.

(    )5.Where is Betty going?

A.She is going to school.  B.She is going to the beach.

C.She is going to the supermarket.

十、Writing.6% 写作(不少于五个句子)


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