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1. She can          some English.

2. Have you got         photos of America?

3. We always         a big dinner.

4.               a book and a pen on her desk .

5. Tell me         about the Great Wall.


一、 选出不同类的一项。(5分)

(     ) 1. A. America  B. China  C. New York

(     ) 2. A. right    B. collect  C. strong

(     ) 3. A. kilometre   B. thousand   C. million

(     ) 4. A. lantern      B. candy     C. moon cake

(     ) 5. A. shop    B. special     C. restaurant


(    )1.It’s a picture _____the Great Wall.

A.to         B.in        C.of

(     ) 2. Do you want to ______ my  pen friend?

A. is   B. be   C. are

(    )3.There are lots of _______there.

A.shop        B.restaurants    C.city

(    )4.These are some stamps_____Canada¬.

A.to            B.in             C.from

(    )5.Have you got       toy cars?

A.some     B. a         C. any

(    ) 6. My favourite festival____ Thanksgiving.

A.am     B. is         C. are

(    ) 7. ---____ you collect stamps?  ---No,I don’t.

A. Does     B. Do      C. Did

(    ) 8. There is a big Chinatown ______ New York .

A. to         B. in        C. on

(   )9. What are you doing ? I’m _______ an email to my family.

A. sending    B.sends    C.send

(   )10. How   ______ is the Great Wall?

A. high     B. short    C. long

三、内容相符的句子前写T, 不相符的写F。(10分)

(    )1. Taking pictures is my hobby.

(    )2. This is the Huangshan Mountain,

it’s very high.

(    )3. There is a Chinatown in New


(    )4. New York is in the east of the      US.

(    )5.. At the Mid-Autumn Festival,we all

go to see the dragon dances, and we eat zongzi.


(   )1.Have you got any story books?

(   )2.What’s your hobby?

(   )3.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?

(   )4. Where is New York?

(   )5.. What do you do on Flag Day?


1.do / do / Day /   on /  Thanksgiving  / you  /  what /  ?

2. got / you / any / from / have / Canada / stamps / ?

3. me  / more  / about  / new  / tell  / your school /  can / ?

4.  lots of / there are/Chinese shops and restaurants/there / .

5. be / Chinese / pen friend / can / my / you / ?


Simon is an American boy. He collects stamps. He has got lots of stamps from Canada. There are famous men and women on the stamps. He has got lots of Chinese stamps, too. Some of them have got pictures of the Great Wall. Sometimes he collects toy cars. He has got some toy cars in his house. All toy cars have got Chinese names.

(   )1. Simon is an American boy.

(   )2. Simon collects books.

(   )3. There are lots of men and women on the stamps.

(   )4. Some of the stamps have got pictures of the Great Wall.

(   )5. Sometimes Simon collects toy ships.

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