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五、单项选择。( 10分)

(    ) 1. ---What did you take with you, Liu Tao?

---I __________some bread and water.

A. take         B. taked       C. took

(    ) 2. --- Listen to me carefully, Tom. Don’t   _____   the window.

---I’m sorry, Mr Green.

A. looks out     B. look out of       C. looked out of

(    ) 3. What an _________story!

A. wonderful       B. funny           C. interesting

(    ) 4. ---You look _________. What’s the matter?

---I lost my new pen.

A. sad        B. happy       C. excited

(    ) 5. ---Why were you so hungry?

---_________I didn’t have breakfast.

A. But          B. Because       C. So

(    ) 6. ---Where’s the Great Wall?

---It’s in ___________.

A. Shanghai      B. Beijing          C. Guangzhou

(    ) 7. ---Look! Is he __________ man?

---Yes. He is wearing a kilt.

A. a Chinese     B. a Scottish     C. an American

(    ) 8. There ______ a lot of people in the park yesterday afternoon.

A. are       B. was            C. were

(    ) 9. I like this season(季节 ). The       is blue and the       are white.

A. sky; clouds      B. sky; cloudy        C. cloud; sky

(    ) 10. 下面有一组单词的划线部分发音相同。Which one is right?

A. near  summer   B. hard   party      C. flower  farm


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