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(   ) 9. When someone helps you, don’t forget say“           ”.

A. I’m sorry.       B. That’s all right.    C. Thank you.

(   ) 10. She writes            than the other students in her class.

A. more careful       B. carefully       C. more carefully


(   ) 1.当你到商店买东西时,售货员会说:

A. Can I help you?        B. Thank you, I will help you.   C. What do you need?

(   )2. 当Danny打电话时,Danny会说:

A. This is Danny speaking.  B. My name is Danny.     C. Danny is talking to you.

(   ) 3. 当你想知道对方打算去做什么时, 你应该这样来问:

A. What are you doing?    B. What are you going to do?  C. What did you do ?

(   ) 4. 想知道别人从哪来时, 你应该这样来问:

A. How old are you?      B. Where are you from?       C. How are you?

(   ) 5. 在西方, 朋友见面时常常交流的话题是:

A. How’s the weather?    B. How old are you?   C. Where are you going?



(   ) 1.What would you like? A. It's cloudy.

(   ) 2. Where's the rice? B. It's June 19th.

(   ) 3. What's the weather like today? C. I'd like a cup of coffee.

(   ) 4. What's the date today? D. It's Sunday.

(   ) 5. What day is it today? E. It's in the cupboard.


1. I was at home just now.(改为一般疑问句)

→            at home just now?

2. We ate some eggs yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

→          you               eggs yesterday?

3. Lucy often does her homework on Sundays. (对划线部分提问)

→What          Lucy often        on Sundays?

4. She wants gifts from Canada.(否定句)

→                                    .

5. That is a new bus.(变为复数句)

→                 some new           .

6. He likes playing ping-pong.(变为一般疑问句)

→       he         playing ping-pong?

7. We bought a new T-shirt yesterday.(就划线部分提问)

→                  you            yesterday?

8. Tell me, please.

→                                   (否定句)

9. It’s time for lunch .(改为同义句)

→It’s time                   lunch.


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