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(    )1.The concert will start ____ eight o’clock.

A. in                  B. at

(    )2.I think English is___________ than math.

A. more interesting        B. interesting

(    )3.How ______ is the jacket? --- It’s 50 yuan.

A. many                B. much

(    )4. Whose book is this? --- It’s_________.

A. mine                B. my

(    )5. Will you go to school tomorrow? --- ___________________

A. No, I don’t.         B. Yes, I will.

(    )6. Did you play football yesterday?--- __________________.

A. Yes, I did.           B. Yes, I do.

(    )7 Good morning, teacher!---____________________.

A. Good morning.       B. Good afternoon.

(    )8. 你捡到一本书,想知道这本书是谁的,应该这样问:

A. Who is she?           B. Whose book is this?

(    )9. 如果你是店主,你该怎样招呼客人:

A. Can I help you?        B. Thank you.

(    )10. 你可以这样把你的数学老师介绍给你的朋友

A. This is our school.      B. This is our math teacher.

八、阅读短文,判断正误。(正确的写“√”,错误的写“×”。) (5分)

Mike comes from America. He is twelve. His father Mr. Brown works in a big shop in Beijing. Mike has a sister. Her name is Kate. She is only four.

It is Saturday today. Mike’s family is all at home. Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading newspapers. Mrs. Brown is out of the house, and she is watering the flowers. Is Mike with his mother? No, he is cleaning his new bike. Where is Kate? She is in her room. She is playing with her cat. What a happy family!

(  ) 1.Mike is from America.       (  ) 2. Mike’s sister is Kate.      (  ) 3. Mike’s father is watching TV.

(  ) 4. Mike has an old bike.      (  ) 5. Kate is playing with her dog.

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