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一、 语音。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


(    )1. A. had        B. ate      C. game     D. late

(    )2. A. wonderful   B. front     C. coconut   D. love

(    )3. A. elephant     B. spend    C. desk    D. next

(    )4. A. begin       B. fantastic  C. time  D. will

(    )5. A. school  B. good  C. classroom D. look

(    )6. A. must     B. student C. study  D. but

(    )7. A. March  B. park  C. quarter   D. star

(    )8. A. through  B. high  C. light  D. cough

(    )9. A. between  B. coffee C. thirteen D. sheep

(    )10. A. watered     B. worried C. listened D. helped

二、 词汇。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

A. 按括号内的要求写出单词。

1. dig(过去式)                           2. aren’t(同音词)

3. use(形容词)                4. up(反义词)

5. jog(现在分词)

B. 根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。

1. Shanghai is one of the biggest      (city)in China .

2. This book is very interesting and      (excite).

3. Each of      (they)has an English-Chinese dictionary .

4. You can drive the car a little      (fast).

5. Please answer my      (four)question .

C. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. We should      (take)care of them .

2. We      (go)to the park yesterday .

3. They worked hard at      (draw).

4. My father      (watch)TV every Friday evening .

5. My mum asked me to set the table and      (have)dinner .

三、 单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


(    )1. The tailor made her a new       .

A. clothes      B. cloth     C. dress     D. clothing

(    )2. Hurry up ! We       you .

A. wait for     B. waited for C. waiting for D. are waiting for

(    )3. His mother       her child how       cook last night .

A. teaches , do      B. taught , to     C. taught , in     D. teach , on

(    )4. I can’t       you any money because I have       left .

A. borrow , little     B. lend , few     C. lend , little     D. lend , a few

(    )5. He isn’t good at music       science .

A. and      B. with   C. but     D. or

(    )6. These cars are different       colours .

A. from     B. in      C. at      D. of

(    )7. We learned two       new words last term .

A. hundreds     B. hundreds of   C. hundred    D. hundred of

(    )8. Pandas’ main food is       .

A. leaves       B. nuts          C. bamboo    D. meat

(    )9. —Didn’t he go to school yesterday ?

—       . He got there before 7:00 yesterday .

A. Yes , he did   B. No , he didn’t  C. Yes , he didn’t  D. No , he did

(    )10. The news       all of us happy .

A. keep        B. let         C. asked       D. made

(    )11. —Who is singing in the next room ?

—       must be Mary .

A. She         B. This        C. It         D. He

(    )12. The capital of France is       .

A. Sydney      B. New York    C. Paris      D. Ottawa

(    )13. Tell me       to get to the Water Park .

A. where       B. what        C. how       D. who

(    )14. She went out       the light       .

A. on , off      B. with , in     C. let , on     D. with , on

(    )15. I often tell my son not to move       the bus stops .

A. till          B. on         C. at          D. of

(    )16. They wanted to have       rest .

A. minute      B. a little minute’s     C. a few minutes’     D. two minute

(    )17. Your coat looks the same       .

A. like me     B. like my    C. as my     D. as mine

(    )18. It is good to go swimming       .

A. in this time of year         B. at this time of year

C. for this time of year   D. on this time of year

(    )19. Let’s go out for a walk ,       ?

A. will you      B. won’t you     C. shall we     D. shan’t you

(    )20. There are many good restaurants in Tianjin . So it is easy for you to find one____ .

A. eats      B. eating      C. to eat      D. to eat at

四、 按要求改写下列句子,每空只填一词。(共7个句子,14个空,每空0.5分,满分7分)

1. I had a good time during the holiday .(改为否定句)

I              a good time during the holiday .

2. There are few tall buildings near the park .(改为反意疑问句)

There are few tall buildings near the park ,       there ?

3. Tom does his homework carefully .(改为感叹句)

Tom does his homework !

4. He will come to China in three days .(就划线部分提问)

will he come to China ?

5. We’re going to take a plane to Sanya .(改为同义句)

We’re going to Sanya              .

6. Mary , water the flowers !(改为现在进行时)

Mary              the flowers .

7. The Greens saw a nice film yesterday evening .(就划线部分提问)

the Greens       a nice film ?

五、 补全对话。(共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)


Peter:What are we       to do today ?

Guide:We’re going to       the Great Wall this morning . And       the Ming Tombs this afternoon .

Peter’s dad:Is the Great Wall far       here ?

Guide:No . It’s to the       of Beijing . The Ming Tombs are       to the north of Beijing .

Peter’s mum:      are we going to the Summer Palace ?

Guide:Tomorrow morning . The Summer Palace is very beautiful . There       a big lake and a lot of interesting places in it .

Peter:We can learn       lot about the       of China .

六、 完成句子。(共4个句子,16个空,每空0.5分,满分8分)

1. 我真的很喜欢每天晚饭后散散步。

I really                            after supper every day .

2. 他用木头做了一个写字台。

He       wood              a desk .

3. 在超市,人们能买到许多种食品。

In the       , people              many              food .

4. 这是我们应该做的。

This is                            .

七、 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

Paris has a beautiful name-the City of   1   . Do you know   2   it means ? Mary beautiful buildings are lighted at   3   . The streets are very   4   . When you   5   in Paris , you mustn’t turn   6   your headlights(汽车前灯)even after dark .

Paris is full of life all day and night . But this is not the   7   reason(原因)for its beautiful name . For hundreds of years , Paris has been the center of science and art .   8   scientists and artists have come to   9   here . For this reason also , people   10   it the City of Lights .

(    )1. A. Flowers  B. Cars     C. Lights   D. Rivers

(    )2. A. what     B. how  C. where D. when

(    )3. A. noon  B. night  C. day  D. evening

(    )4. A. black  B. dark  C. noisy  D. bright

(    )5. A. walk  B. go  C. drive  D. live

(    )6. A. off  B. down  C. out  D. on

(    )7. A. only  B. other  C. any  D. another

(    )8. A. No  B. Few  C. Many D. A few

(    )9. A. study  B. drive  C. play  D. have dinner

(    )10. A. make B. call  C. build  D. find

八、 阅读理解。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


A young puppy was playing near a farmer’s house . He was jumping about happily when he fell into a well . He swam for a while and tried to climb out , but could not . He thought he was going to drown(淹死)in the well . He told himself that he would not give up trying .

One hour passed and the puppy was tired and cold . As he looked up at the top of the well , he saw an object falling towards him . It was a pail(水桶)which landed very close to him . “ This is my only chance to save myself . ” The puppy said to himself . He swam to the pail and climbed into it . Soon , he was out of the well . The farmer came to draw up a pail of water and saved the puppy .

(    )1. The well was       .

A. on a farm      B. near the sea      C. in a town     D. near a market

(    )2. To get out of the well , the puppy tried to       .

A. call for help         B. swim under the well

C. look for help        D. climb out of the well

(    )3. The puppy was afraid that       .

A. the pail might hit him          B. he might drown in the well

C. the pail might not find him      D. he might be cold and tried

(    )4. Why did the farmer throw the pail into the well ? Because       .

A. he wanted to kill the puppy

B. he did not want the pail

C. he needed to get some water

D. he wanted to save the puppy

(    )5. What can you say about the puppy ?

A. He was a clever puppy .       B. He was a lazy puppy .

C. He was a foolish puppy .       D. He was a stupid puppy .


Dates The Great Wall Hote1 Youyi Hotel

Prices(1 week)





Oct.1~Dec.31 $546                $568

---                    ---

$516                $528

$756                $788

$696                $718

(    )6. Living in the Great Wall Hotel is       than living in Youyi Hotel .

A. cheaper    B. dearer        C. fewer      D. more

(    )7. How many months of a year are the hotels open ?

A. One .      B. Ten .         C. Eleven .     D. Twelve .

(    )8. If you live in the Great Wall Hotel in May for seven days , you will spend       .

A. $546     B. $696        C. $538     D. $516

(    )9. If you spend $718 in Youyi Hotel , it is in       .

A. September  B. November     C. April       D. January

(    )10. It is cheaper to live in the Great Wall Hotel from October to December than from

to       .

A. April , May       B. January , February

C. June , September   D. May , July

九、 综合填空。(共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)


One day , the teacher gave a test to the class . She asked the students to write a paper . She t      them , “ Write about what you would do if you had four hundred thousand dollars . ”

All the students began w      . It was very q      in the classroom . It took them an hour to write it except(除……之外)Tom . He wrote only h      a minute . Then he just sat

a       the desk . He didn’t write another word .

When the teacher asked them to stop , the students gave their p      to the teacher . And the teacher looked at them . At last , the teacher looked at T      paper . She was very surprised , and she read it o      , “ This is what I would do if I had four hundred thousand dollars . ” Then the teacher said , “ I don’t understand you , Tom . All the others in our class wrote two pieces of paper , but you just wrote one line(行). After that you didn’t write anything e      . ”

“ That’s right , ” Tom said , “ This is what I would do if I had four hundred thousand dollars—n      . ”


一、 语音。

1~5 ACACA   6~10 BCDBD

二、   词汇。

A.1.dug  2. aunt  3.useful  4.down  5.jogging

B.1.cities  2.exciting  3.them  4.faster  5.fourth

C.1.take   2.went  3.drawing  4.watches  5.to have

三、   单项选择。

1~5 CDBCD  6~10 BCCAD  11~15 CCCDA  16~20 CDBCD

四、   按要求改写下列句子。

1.didn’t have  2.are   3.How carefully   4.How soon   5.by plane

6.is watering    7.When did see

五、   补全对话。

going, visit, then, from, north, also, When, is, a, history

六、   完成句子。

1.enjoy taking a walk   2.used , to make   3.supermarket , can buy , kinds of   4.what we should do

七、   完形填空。

1~5 CABDC    6~10 DACAB

八、   阅读理解。

1~5 ADBCA   6~10 ACDBC

九、   综合填空。

told  writing  quiet  half  at  papers  Tom’s  out  else   nothing

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