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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语模拟检测试题及答案,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

一、 选择填空。

(    )1. Mr. Crisp is _____ English teacher, but Mrs. Sue is _____ teacher of English.

A. an ; an   B. an ; a   C. a ; a

(    )2. —Good morning, Miss Williams. _____

—How do you do?

A. Nice to see you!  B. How do you do. C. Fine, thank you.

(    )3. —What’s this in English?   ______

A. This is a bag.   B. It is bag.     C. It’s a bag.

(    )4. What are _____ and ______?

A. she ; him    B. her ; he     C. she ; he

(    )5. ______ old are you?

A. How    B. What     C. how

(    )6.What’s that ______ English?

A. a           B. an         C. in

(    )7. ______ can I get to the Great Wall.

A. What       B. How        C. Do

(    )8. _____ is the post office?

A. What       B. How        C. Where

(    )9. Can you count from zero _____ ten?

A. up        B. to        C. down

(     )10. ______ your mother a teacher?

A. Are       B. Is        C. Am

二、 写出反义词。

1. get off _______   2. close  ______

3. right _______      4. here ________

5. downstairs _______  6. early_______

7. after _______   8. sit  _______

9. bad _______      10. go______

三、 请找出下列句子中的错误,并改成正确的句子。

1. He is  a old man.

2. I  haven’t find  my cat.

3. I  reading a  story book.

4. He  name is  Jack.

5. Don’t is  late next time.

四、 根据问句写答语。

Ann:Hello. What’s your name?


Ann:My name is Ann. How are you?


Ann: I’m fine. I am from England. Where are you from?


Ann:That’s interesting. Is your city big or small?


Ann:I’m from London. It’s a big city. See you later! Bye!



一、 1. B     2. B    3. C      4. C     5. A      6.C      7. B      8. C

9. B      10. B


1. get on     2. open      3. left     4. there     5. upstairs

6. late       7. before     8. stand   9. good      10. come


1. He is an old man.

2. I can’t find my cat./ I haven’t found my cat(yet).

3. I'm reading a story book.

4. His name is Jack.

5. Don’t be late next time.


威廉希尔app 提供的六年级英语模拟检测试题及答案 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!






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