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(    ) 53. Tom hurt his          yesterday.

A. leg     B. hand     C. arm

(    ) 54. Tim is          with his brother.

A. riding a bike  B. doing his homework C. watching TV

(    ) 55.The twins are          when they are watching TV .

A. sad    B. happy    C. angry


My name is May. I am an America girl. I am in Guangdong with my parents now. My father Mr Green is an engineer(设计师) in a shoe factory. He designs(设计) the beautiful shoes. He likes drawing pictures. He is 34 years old and one year older than my mother. Usually my father goes to work by car. But yesterday he went by bus with my mother. My mother Mrs Green is an English teacher. She is 176 cm and 72 kg. She’s 3 cm taller and 2 kg heavier than my father. She loves the children and she says they make her feel young.

56. Is May in America now?

57. What’s Mr Green’s hobbies?

58. How did Mr Green go to work yesterday?

59. How heavy is Mr Green?

60. What does May’s mother do ?


61. Our country is becoming richer(富裕些) and               (更强大的) than before.

62. I              (睡觉) for 9 hours last night.

63. It’s cold outside. People should              (穿着) warm clothes.

64. If you don’t know the new word, you should look it up in a             . (字典)

65. English is difficult for Lily, but it’s              (容易) for Lisa.

66. There were some children in the room five minutes             . (以前)

67. I’m going to the Walmart              (超市) to buy some bread and milk.

68. Let’s go              (笔直地) for 10 minutes, you can see the cinema on the right.

69. Mr Wang              (吃) lots of bananas for dinner yesterday.

70. Tom bought a toy               (火车) for his younger sister last Saturday.


71. write,  did,  his,  Mr Brown,  letters,  friends,  to  ( ? ) (连词成句)

72. Peter is taller than Amy. (同义改写,每空一词)

Amy is                             Peter.

73. Jack bought some gifts for his friends yesterday morning. (改为否定句,每空一词)

Jack                         any gifts for his friends yesterday morning.

74. Mike did his homework yesterday evening.(对划线部分提问,每空一词)

did Mike            his homework?

75. There were some elephants in the zoo the year before last. (改为单数形   式,每空一词)

There                       elephant in the zoo the year before last.

威廉希尔app 提供的小学六年级英语综合模拟试题 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!





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