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(     )101. _______ I help you?

A. Do         B. Can          C. What        D. Must

(     )102. I _______ my homework yesterday. I am_________ now.

A. do, playing   B. did, plays     C. did, play     D. did, playing

(     )103. Are you feeling _________ ?

A. happy       B. a happy       C. happily      D. much happiest

(     )104. There is a kite __________ the tree.

A. at            B. on           C. of          D. in

(     )105. There ________ some milk in the bottle.

A. have          B. are         C. is         D. has

(     )106. Let’s go to Nanjing __________ train.

A. in           B. by          C. on           D. at

(     )107. The girl _________ white is my sister.

A. in           B. on          C. wear        D. wears

(     )108. He likes playing ________ basketball and playing _______ violin.

A. the,          B. ,           C. , the       D. the, the

(     )109. Can ________ go with ________ ?

A. her, me      B. you, me       C. you, she       D. I, she

(     )110. --______ T-shirt is this?   --It’s ________.

A. Whose, my     B. Whose, I    C. Whose, me    D. Whose, mine

(     )111. My shoes are ________ the bed.

A. for          B. under          C. at         D. in

(     )112. My brother ________ be fifteen next year.

A. are          B. will         C. is          D. was going to

(     )113. What are ________ ?

A. it           B. this          C. those       D. that

(     )114. –Where is Nancy now?   --She is _______ the garden.

A. in           B. on           C. at         D. from

(     )115. Is that ________ coat?

A. Kate         B. Kate’s       C. Kates       D. Kate her

(     )116. We often go to the cinema ________ Sundays.

A. on           B. in           C. at         D. from

(     )117. _______ is the weather like?

A. How          B. What         C. Who        D. Which

(     )118. My father is _________ than his father.

A. tall         B. taller       C. taller than   D. tall than

(     )119. The bus is coming! Please run ________.

A. slowly       B. slow        C. quick       D. quickly

(     )120. Mary _______ a Chinese book.

A. is           B. have         C. has        D. does

(     )121. There are some birds __________ the tree.

A. under         B. on         C. in         D. behind

(     )122. He_________ his aunt and uncle this evening.

A. will visit        B. shall visit    C. is visiting    D. visits

(     )123. It often rains in ________ July and June.

A. an             B. a          C.           D. the

(     )124. _________ is she going tomorrow?

A. When          B. How         C. What        D. Where

(     )125. –How ________ days are there in a week? ---There are seven days.

A. many          B. much         C. long         D. old

答案: 1-5   BCBDA        6-10   CADBA        11-15    CCCBA

16-20  CABBC       21-25   BBCCB        26-30    BBABB

31-35  ACAAC       36-40   DABCD        41-45    BACDC

46-50  CCBDC       51-55   BDABC        56-60    DACBB

61-65  BDACA       66-70   ABDCB        71-75    BCBDA

76-80  CDBCA       81-85   BCBDB        86-90    BABDC

91-95  CBDBD       96-100  ACBAB       101-105   BDADC

106-110  BACBD     111-115  BBCAB       116-120    ABBDC

121-125  CACDA






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