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(     )53. It’s 10 o’clock. Ben _______ TV in the bedroom.

A. is watching    B. watch      C. watches     D. are watching

(     )54. –Is this T-shirt ________ ? – Yes, it’s _________

A. your, mine     B. yours, mine   C. yours, my    D. your, my

(     )55. –Is your friend a boy or a girl?

A. Yes, it is        B. No         C. A boy        D. a boy

(     )56. I get home ________ 4:40 in the afternoon.

A. in         B. with         C. on         D. at

(     )57. _______ talk in the library.

A. Don’t       B. Not        C. No         D. don’t

(     )58. How many boys ________ there in the room?

A. is          B. have        C. are         D. has

(     )59. --__________ is the weather today?  --- It’s fine.

A. What         B. How        C. Who        D. Where

(     )60. My father _________ a doctor.

A. are          B. is         C. am          D. ‘s

(     )61. He likes watching TV________ the evening.

A. on          B. in         C. at        D. of

(     )62. Ann__________ like writing letters.

A. don’t       B. isn’t       C. wasn’t      D. doesn’t

(     )63. Is that your __________ ?

A. pen         B. pencils         C. books        D. a ruler

(     )64. I go to ________ school from Monday to Friday.

A. the         B. a           C.           D. an

(     )65. I have got ________ bad headache.

A. a             B. the           C. an         D.

(     )66. There _________ some noodles in the bowl.

A. are         B. have          C. has         D. is

(     )67. The students ________ their classroom every day.

A. cleans       B. clean       C. cleaned      D. are cleaning

(     )68. I’m _______ my pen, but I can’t _______ it.

A.look for, find  B.find, look for  C.finding, look for  D.looking for, find


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