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(     )22. Is this ________ watch?

A. I          B. my         C. me        D. mine

(     )23. --________ is it? --- Thirty yuan.

A. How       B. How many     C. How much     D. How old

(     )24. Happy birthday _______ you. This apple is ________ you.

A. to, to       B. for, to        C. to, for        D. for, for

(     )25. --________ is Jim?  -- He’s fine.

A. How old     B. How         C. What         D. Who

(     )26. We ________ English.

A. are speak    B. speak        C. listen         D. are listen

(     )27. My shoes ________ blue, How about yours?

A. is           B. are           C. am           D. not

(     )28. He will buy a book _________ me.

A. for          B. in            C. to           with

(     )29. Jim and ________ are in the same class.

A. me          B. I            C. my           D. mine

(     )30. It’s time ________ have dinner.

A. on           B. to           C.             D. for

(     )31. The car is coming. Don’t _________ in the street.

A. play football   B. play with fire   C. sing songs    D. talk loudly

(     )32. Is your father a doctor _________ a farmer?

A. and          B. but         C. or          D. for

(     )33. My father ________ to buy a tie (领带) last year.

A. wants         B. wanted        C. want        D. wanting

(     )34. You can get ________ at the third stop.

A. off           B. on          C. in          D. o

(     )35. He likes ______ stamps.

A. collect        B. collects       C. collecting     D. collected

(     )36. Your answer is very good.  _________, please.

A. Stand up      B. Sit         C. Stand        D. Sit down


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