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(   ) 7. Rome ___than Paris. A. are warmer       B. is warmer       C. is warmmer

(   ) 8. My grandfather usually _ the flowers in the morning.

A. watering         B. is watering      C. waters

(   ) 9. Listen! Xiaoling __in her classroom A. sings     B. singing  C. is singing

(   ) 10. Yesterday my parents and I _our house

A. are cleaning     B. cleaned          C. are going to clean

(  )11. Lucy is ten. Kate is nine years old. So Lucy is ___ than Kate.

A. older      B. younger  C. fatter

(  )12. They like _ to music.  A. listening B. listens   C. listen

(  )13. You can go to the moon by ____ A. car  B. plane C. spaceship

(  )14. The traffic light is yellow, you may ____.A. stop B. wait C. go

(  )15. My throat ____ sore, my nose ____ A. is, hurtB. are, hurts C. is hurts

(  )16. When are you going to Hong Kong? I’m going __________.

A. this weekend   B. by plane    C. yesterday

(  )17. The woman is seventy, but she looks so __.

A. tall  B. young    C. thin

(  )18.I like _. Because it’s hot, I can eat ice-creams. A.fall B. summer C. spring

(  )19. Teacher’s Day is in  __A. October B. November  C. September

(  )20. Where does the rain come from? It comes from the __.

A. clouds B. water     C. sun

( )21、How _____ he go to the park ?  A. is    B. does    C. do

( )22、 Frist,____ the seeds in the soil.  A.go     B. put   C. get

( )23、------_____ is the cinema?  ------It’s next to the post office.

A. When          B. Where          C. What

( )24、What are you going to do ______Sunday? A. on  B. at    C. in

( )25、Walk straight _______ 3 minutes.  A. for     B. at       C. with

( )26、Where does the ____come from ? It comes from the clouds.

A. rain          B. sun           C. cloud

( )27、What _____ she like to do?  A. do    B. does      C. is

( )28、Chen Jie likes ____ a bike.  A. ride   B. riding   C. rides

( )29、Amy is a teacher, she _____ English. A. teach B. teaches  C. teacher ( )30、An actor is usually a _____.  A. man   B. woman    C. police


(  )1、What does your father do ?    A. To be policeman.

(  )2、What are you going to do?     B. I’m going to the park.

(  )3、Where are you going?          C. He’s an artist.

(  )4、where does the cloud come from? D. She works in a car company.  (  )5、Where does she work?           E. Vapour.

十一、Make sentences. 连词成句。10%

1. go,  usually, school, I, to, foot, on (.)

2. to, are, going, weekend ,the, you, what, do ,on(?)

3. look,   so,   you,   excited   (.)

4. birthday,  June,  her,  in,  is   (?)

5. writing, grandma ,the, study ,is, a, in ,letter(.)


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