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(    )9、--What are you going to do this evening ?      --I’m going to ______ a book .

A、bought         B、buy            C、buying

(    )10、--What’s your name ?         -- ____________________.

A、I’m 13 years old .     B、I’m a student .     C、My name is Mike .


1、 hobby ,  What’s ,  your


2、 like ,   playing ,   I ,     piano ,    the


3、 on ,    I ,     school ,    go to,   foot


4、 did ,   you ,     What ,    yesterday ,    do


5、 My ,   is ,     father ,      teacher ,     a



(    )1、How tall are you ?

(    )2、Did you play football yesterday ?

(    )3、What’s your father’s hobby ?

(    )4、Is she listening to music ?

(    )5、What’s the matter with you ?

A、Yes , I did .

B、I feel sick. I have a  toothache .

C、He likes playing chess .

D、I’m 165cm tall .

E、No , she isn’t . She is doing homework .


A: Where did you go on your holiday ?

B: __________________________.

A: How did you go there ?

B: ______________________.

A: What did you do there ?

B: ______________________.

A: Did you go to the Great Wall ?

B: ______________________.

A: Is Beijing beautiful ?

B: ______________________.

A、Yes, I did .

B、I ate good food there .

C、Yes , it is .

D、I went to Beijing .

E、 I went there by plane .


Hello! My name is Mike. Do you know Kunming? That is a beautiful place. Last holiday my family went to there. We went to hotel(酒店) by taxi. The driver is very friendly. He told us many things about Kunming. But when we got to the hotel ,I found(发现) my bag was in the taxi. I was very angry. We asked the police(警察) to help us to look for(寻找) it. There were many bags in the police station(警察局), but they are not mine. The afternoon a man came into(进入) the police station. He had(拿着) my bag. I was so excited to see the taxi driver again(又,再).  He told me to enjoy my visit to Kunming.

(    )1. Mike went to Kunming by taxi.

(    )2.The driver told Mike about Kunming.

(    )3.Mike’s mother left her bag in the taxi.

(    )  4.The police helped Mike to find his bag.

(    )  5.The taxi driver had Mike’s bag.

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