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(   )26. Many of us play sports         our free time         the weekend.

A. in; at            B. at; in                C. in; in           D. at; at

(   )27. ---Jane,             the picture.

---Oh, it             so beautiful.

A. look; looks      B. look at ; looks at     C. look; looks at     D. look at; looks

(   )28. ---Miss Li teaches(教)            English this term.

---You’re lucky(幸运的).          is a good teacher.

A. our; She         B. us; He          C. us; She          D. ours; He

(   )30. There _______ a lot of juice in the bottle.

A. is          B. are          C. has        D. have

(   )32. ---Lin Dan is a            dancer.

---Yes . He dances very           .

A. good; good       B. well; well        C. good; well       D. well; good

(   )35. ---- How often do you go to the Reading Club?     ----                  .

A. An hour       B. Three times a week    C. For a week      D. A week


When I had something difficult to do, I used to(过去常常) ask my mum for help. But she always said, “Do it   1 _, dear.” I would get so angry(生气). I thought she was   2   mother in the world!

For example, one day, I decided   3   some friends to my home. My bedroom was very dirty. Books were all over the table and ground. I didn’t make my bed. I asked my   4    to help me clean it. But she said seriously(严肃地),“Do it yourself, girl.”

Because of my “lazy mum”, I have to   5   my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents   6  . I even have to go to the dentist(牙医)   7  . It is really hard to do everything on my own,   8   I have learned a lot.

As time goes by, I understand my mother. It’s her “laziness” that makes me clever and diligent(勤奋的). Just as my mum always says,“A lady can’t be lazy, or(否则) she’ll be crazy.   9   can make you sunny(阳光)!”

10   great mother! Don’t you think so? A good mother is worth a hundred teachers!

(  )1. A. myself      B. yourself         C. himself          D. herself

(  )2. A. the cleverest   B. the best      C. the laziest        D. the hardest

(  )3. A. asking      B. telling           C. to visit           D. to invite


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